BlessingShowerWhen Sharon Johnson had her Blessing Shower for her seventh baby, her husband wrote her an accolade. What a beautiful thing. It is most biblical for husbands to praise their wives, and for children to rise up and bless their mothers. God wants wives and mothers to be blessed and encouraged.

Proverbs 31:28 states: “Her children arise up, and call her blessed, her husband also, and he praiseth her.”

Her husband Ricardo wrote (8/1917):
“I know this is your friends’ time to heap spiritual accolades upon you, but as your husband I wanted to also say a few words. We have taken on a big assignment — soon we will be blessed with our seventh child. It is amazing to think about!

“When I look back to September 4th, 2004 when we began this journey in Westlake, Ohio I never dreamt life would have taken us to this point. Proverbs 16:9 (NLT) states: “We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.” So true. God put in our hearts a great love for children that wasn’t there when we were first married.

“You have taken on the mantle of motherhood and you wear it well! The hard work and sacrifice you display everyday has not gone unnoticed. Each day you are imparting eternal nuggets of truth to our children that will be played back to them over and over again during their whole life time.

“I go about my current job as a Youth Advocate and work with so many dysfunctional families, and mothers who have checked out on their motherhood. Then I come home in the evenings to a home of order and a nurturing mother and realize how truly blessed I am! What an honor it is to have you as my wife raising our soon-to-be seven children.

“You are the right woman, serving the right God, at the right time, raising the right children, for the right future. As your husband, I bless you in Jesus name! And look forward with anticipation to what the future holds! You are a mighty woman of God. “

~ Your Husband, Ricardo
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Photo: Ricardo and Sharon Johnson with their children: Ezra (12), Nissi (10), Tasimba (8), Titus (6), Elliot (4), Malachi (2) and Catherine (8 months).


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