BlessYourFamilyI wonder what you have planned for your family meal table tonight? Always be thinking of ways you can bless and encourage your husband and children. Every now and then it's a nice idea to get your children to write a card to their father with all the great things they love about him. They can also draw a picture to make it special. If you have little ones who cannot write yet, get them to draw a picture for Daddy. You can then put them by his plate when he comes to the evening meal. During the meal he can read them aloud. The children will be excited, and your husband will be blessed.

Every now and then I love to make place cards for each member of the family. This is a lovely way to encourage your husband and children. I keep colored cardboard and paper on hand for this task. I type the name and comment on the computer, print it off on colored paper and then paste it on a folded cardboard that can stand on its own when folded in half. There are lots of ways you can do this:

Encouraging Phrases
Type or write their name and underneath their name write an encouraging phrase that starts with the first letter of their name. Here's some examples that I have used with my children and grandchildren.

Obedient Son

Resolute for God

Rhyming Couplets
Type, or write their name and underneath write a rhyming couplet. It doesn’t take too long to think of these and they will really bless your family. Here are some examples I have written for the grandchildren over the years. As you can see, they are very simple rhymes.

A very fine boy who can read so well,
We all think that you are real swell!

The boy with the beautiful, big blue eyes,
There’s no doubt about it, he’ll take the prize!

Industriously planning ways to make money,
But no matter how busy, she always looks sunny!

And some for our grown children, one of the many I have written for her!

Wild and outrageous, but she is a true sage,
The best researcher on curriculums for any age!

And don’t forget your husband. I have written many for Colin over the years, e.g.

He has a great big, kind, and loving heart,
He likes things big and he likes them smart!

Are there any faithful left in the land?
Yes, he is one of God’s mighty band!

Can you think of four rhyming lines? There is something about rhymes that helps your children to remember. You will also remember them and can recite them to your child when you are sitting with them or riding in the car. For example:

A beautiful girl who is a delight to the eyes,
From the hand of the Lord she is a special prize!
With her long golden curls and her soft white skin,
She radiates loveliness which comes from within!

These will take a little more thought to write, but worth it for a special occasion. These are Name Places your children will keep as memories. Here's some I wrote for my three daughters many years ago . . .

There’s a lady with flowing red hair
Who always makes everyone stare!
She is so outrageous
And even dangerous
This girl with the flowing red hair!

There’s a song floating up from the stairs,
Its melody takes away cares,
It brightens the day,
We want it to stay,
Serene’s song floating up from the stairs!

I saw a wonderful and happy sight,
It was like a bird that is taking flight,
A mother skipping,
Her feet a-tripping,
A mother happy and filled with delight!

The Meaning of their Name

Leading many to righteousness

Pointed in the right direction toward God

Thank You
Sometimes you may like to write a “Thank You” underneath their name, some character trait for which you are thankful or for something they have done for you, e.g.

Thank you for the privilege of being your mother!

Thank you for watering my garden every night!

Thank you for being my faithful and loving husband!

Trust these examples will be of some inspiration to you in your family.

Love from Nancy Campbell


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