BeTheBestI am sure that when you teach your children to a task that you teach them to do it well. You don’t stand for shoddy work. You teach them to do it to the best of their ability. Of course, the best way to teach them is to show this example yourself. Isn’t that so true? How can we teach our children excellence if we do shoddy work ourselves?

We manifest this attitude in our great career of mothering. When people choose a career, they determine to give it their best. Because motherhood is the greatest and highest career God has given to us we should also give it out best. Aim for excellence.

Dear mothers, don’t think of getting by with the minimum you have to do. Embrace motherhood with all your heart. Give it all you’ve got. Hone your art because mothering is an art. Just as breastfeeding is an art. Birthing is an art. Homemaking is an art. We can be average, or we can excel.

What is the testimony of the Proverbs 31 woman? Proverbs 31:29 says: “Many daughters have done virtuously, but thou EXCELLEST them all.”

The Hebrew word for “excellest” is “alah.” It is often translated “arise up,” “let us go up,” ascended,” “climbed up,” “exalted.” As you can see, it’s not below average or average, but over the top.

1 Corinthians 15:58 exhorts to “ABOUND in the work of the Lord.” The “work” (notice that it is “work,” not play) that God has given us to do is mothering and training the next generation to be godly young men and women who will fill this earth with God’s glory. How do we do this work?

The word is “abound.” The Greek word is “perisseuo” and it means “to EXCEL more than, to exceed, to superabound, to be over the top, over and above, overflowing, abundance.”

Don’t stand for the status quo. Go beyond the necessary as you become the greatest wife your husband could ever dream about. As you mother and train your children. As you stand watch over your home and guard it from the sneaky entrances of the enemy. As you manage your home efficiently. As you prepare meals for your family.

Be the best!

Blessings to you today,

Nancy Campbell


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PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
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