VoteCountsDear wives and mothers, this is not a political post. It is a family post. I write this with such a burden on my heart for the protection of our children, our grandchildren, and future generations.

I believe that every God-fearing person must vote in this coming election. Your children and grandchildren depend on it. This election is not so much about President Trump. It is about whether we save our nation or lose it.

If President-elect Joe Biden Kamala Harris win this election it will be the end of America as we know it. It won’t take long before everything changes. All borders will be open. Terrorism will be rife. Police will be defunded all over this nation and there will be chaos. They will open the doors to China who will gradually influence every business and government office in this nation. They will take us down the road of extreme socialism/communism. This is their expressed agenda.

What will become of the “The land of the free”?

Dear fellow mothers, we can’t sit back. We can’t be silent. We must stand up for the country we want our children and future generations to enjoy

Already, because of Roe v. Wade, over 63 million precious babies have been murdered in the sanctity of the womb in this country. If Biden/Harris get in, the slaughter will become a greater holocaust. Their agenda is for abortion for any reason, even when the baby is born! Infanticide! Child sacrifice! God vomited the children of Israel out of their land for child sacrifice!

They have cast aside God’s mandate for a one man and one woman” marriage. Now they advocate transgender. Where will it end?

The democratic party do not stand for Israel. They would love to give this land to the so-called Palestinians, but it was given by God for an “everlasting possession” (Genesis 17:8).” As Bible believing people we cannot go against God’s Word.

And how can any person who confesses they believe in God vote against the very things that are so precious to the heart of God?

Please make every effort to vote. Prepare every one of your children who are 18 years and over to vote. There are thousands of university-brain-washed young people who will be voting for socialism. They are propagandized by socialistic professors and they don’t understand the truth. We must encourage our young people to vote for life and liberty and stand for a God-fearing nation that they want to live in.

Please don’t get into political arguments on this thread, dear friends. Look at the options. We either vote for the destruction of our nation (rioting, destroying our cities, anarchy, and socialism) or for life, liberty, and righteousness for our children now and future generations.

Nancy Campbell


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