OnGodsSideHave you found it incredible to believe the corruption that took place in our recent election? It is truly unbelievable, isn’t it? I am sure you have read hundreds of stories of the corruptions by all different ways and means, including the planned glitches in the Dominion voting machines. We could list pages of findings, but just a couple to remind us of what we are facing.
In Nevada, the lawyer, Jesse Binnal verified that 40,000 people voted twice! That’s not a slight problem, it’s a big one. In Pennsylvania the lawyer, Jenna Ellis, found 200,000 ballots counted illegally.
I believe we must understand how God feels about all this. God always looks for a just measure. He is against any fraud. It is an abomination in His sight. Let’s check God’s Word (apart from the Constitution that has been violated).
2 Chronicles 19:7 (NLT): “The LORD our God DOES NOT TOLERATE perverted justice.”
Proverbs 11:1: “A false balance is ABOMINATION tot the LORD: but a just weight is his delight.” Did you notice the word ABOMINATION?
Here it is again in Proverbs 20:10 (NASB): “Differing eight and differing measure, both of them are ABOMINABLE to the LORD.”
And yes, here’s the word again in Deuteronomy 25:15, 16: “But thou shalt have a perfect and just weight, a perfect and just measure shall thou have: that thy days may be lengthened in the land which the LORD they God giveth thee (a good promise for long life). For all that do such things, and all that do unrighteously are an ABOMINATION unto the Lord thy God.” Read also all Leviticus 19:34-36 and Proverbs 16:11.
Micah 6:11 says: “Shall I count them pure with the wicked balances, and with the bag of deceitful weights?” The word deceitful is “mirmah” and means “fraudulent, false, treachery”
God sees this election as an ABOMINATION and TREACHERY. Therefore, we must see at He sees it. There are many, even Christians, who acknowledge the fraud, but are quite willing to acquiesce to cheating and say, “Well, it’s gone too far now. We can’t do anything about it.”
That is giving in to tyranny. That is giving up. That is not standing up for righteousness. That is not hating evil and loving righteousness as God commands us! What God calls an abomination, we should also call an abomination.
In fact, if we relate this to normal life, how would we respond? If someone cheats in a race, they are disqualified. Shouldn’t it be the same rule for a presidential race? Even more so. The planned robbery of this election should result in disqualification.
So what do we do? We pray. We treat it like an abomination. We stand for righteousness. We call, write, and email our senators, congressmen, and leaders. We sign petitions. And we teach our children justice. They must also understand that this election is an abomination or they will grow up not understanding justice and in a nation where there will be no law and order.
We and our children must never give in to evil.
May we be brave enough to stand up for what is right.
Have a great day,
Nancy Campbell

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