RUNursingBabyWhat a joy and privilege. Dear mother, you are blessed beyond measure. God is so good. When He gives you a precious new baby, He doesn’t leave you to manage on your own. He fills you with wonderful hormones to help you in this God-given task.
When you nurse your baby, you produce prolactin and oxytocyn. They are called the love hormones. They are also called the anti-stress hormones. Who would like to be filled with anti-stress hormones? Well, embrace nursing babies!
God doesn’t intend women to be high-powered, stressed-out women in the workforce. He designed them to have His anointing of peace upon them (Isaiah 66:11-13). Do you realize that the more your nurse your baby, the more prolactin and oxytocyn you produce? Therefore, you become more loving and motherly. The more relaxed you become. Your brain marinates with dopamine and therefore feelings of pleasure. And without having to take a pill, God-induced anti-stress hormones fill your brain and body.
Who wouldn’t want to be a mother? Don’t miss out on all the blessings God has for you. Don’t only nurse your baby for food. Nurse your baby to console, comfort, delight, and satisfy his God-given sucking instinct. Don’t use a pacifier which is a mother substitute. Don’t try to wean your baby too soon. Let your baby wean when he is ready. Bask in the joys of God’s blessing hormones as long as you can. It is your inheritance as a mother.
Sadly, Satan wants to rob women of the fullness of motherhood that God planned for them. He comes to rob, kill, and destroy. Don’t let him rob you. Embrace all that God has for you. Live in the glory of your motherhood.
God bless you in your mothering today,
Nancy Campbell
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