Two thousand years ago in a stable all forlorn,
Wise men brought to Jesus precious gifts when He was born.
“What precious gifts do I have that are worthy of a King?
For I’m a lowly mother, Lord, what treasure can I bring?

I know that You seek hearts, Lord, that will trust You and obey,
So I give You mine, Lord Jesus, take it, Lord, I pray.
But, I cannot seem to find the time to give You of myself,
These little ones do drain me and deplete my store of wealth.

My days are full of diapers and feeding hungry mouths,
Of washing, cleaning, ironing--this work it takes me hours.
And when at last there’s quiet and all are asleep in bed,
I think that I might serve You, but nod off to sleep instead!"

But, as I dream in slumber, Your voice to me does speak…
“If you were like the wise men, you’d know the gift I seek,
For these men in their wisdom knew gifts cannot be used
If they are always hidden with tinsel and subterfuge.

They unwrapped their treasures; you too must do the same,
Removing all self-consciousness, even sin and needless blame,
For the wondrous gift of motherhood is given by God above
And when you “mother” children, you show My greater love.

So let not your heart be troubled, weary mother, for you see,
When you are building children, then you are serving Me.
This gift from every mother whether she be great or small
Is a very special gift, one I treasure from you all.

For I too had a mother who suffered shame for me,
She nurtured me and clothed me, wept, and mourned like thee.
I know to have a mother who will give her very best
Is a very worthy treasure, so come to Me, dear mother, and
I will give you rest!

By Val Stares,

Above Rubies Director in Australia

1st Corinthians 13--Adapted for Christmas.

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