LovelyPerfumeThere is nothing like the aroma of a delicate and delightful-smelling perfume. It’s pleasurable to our sense of smell, although I must admit that I don’t like chemical perfumes and prefer essential oils.
Most husbands love their wives to wear a lovely perfume. God Himself loves sweet aromas (Exodus 30:23-25, 34, 35). It’s not hard to put on some perfume, but often it is a lot harder to wear the sweet perfume of Christ. This means saying No to the flesh and allowing the beautiful life of Jesus Christ who dwells within us to shine through us. This brings delight to our husbands even more than a perfume from a bottle. This fills our homes with love, peace, and happiness.
The Bible talks about a lovely perfume. 2 Corinthians 2:14-16 (JBP) says: “Thanks be to God who leads us, wherever we are, on his own triumphant way and makes our knowledge of him spread throughout the world like a lovely perfume! We Christians have the unmistakable ‘scent’ of Christ, discernible alike to those who are being saved and to those who are heading for death. To the latter it seems like the very smell of doom, to the former it has the fresh fragrance of life itself.”
Do you carry around that “unmistakable scent” of Christ? Is the life of Jesus spreading out from you like a lovely perfume? Notice that the Scriptures says this should happen “wherever we are.” The KJV says, “in every place.” This doesn’t only mean when you are all dressed up to go out to a function with all the children left behind. This means right in your home, in the midst of everything that is happening--housework piled up, laundry waiting to be completed, homeschooling to organize, and challenges that arise each new day.
No matter what is happening or where you are, Christ is in you. He doesn’t change with circumstances. Draw on His life, His strength, His peace, His patience, His joy, and His love. And as you do, you will spread forth the lovely perfume of His presence in your home — to your husband and to your children.
Have a wonderful day in your home today,
Nancy Campbell
Picture: A darling young couple, Dawson and Cassidy Stoll, who have three precious little children: Deborah (3), Tabitha (2) and baby Peter (5 months). Cassidy exudes the perfume of Jesus as she joyfully mothers her little ones.

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