LifeChangingSecretThere is a Scripture that changed my life when learning to walk in victory as a young mother. It is found in Philemon 1:6: “That the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus.”
How can the fruit of the Holy Spirit be truly effectual in my life? By acknowledging that Jesus Christ lives in me by His Holy Spirit, and that every good thing that is in Jesus is therefore in me! Now that is amazing! But I must let Him live His life through me. When Jesus came into my life, He didn’t leave out His joy. When He came into your life, He didn’t leave out His joy. He comes as who He is, and He wants to reveal His life through you and me.
Joy is a noun, but also a verb, usually translated rejoice! The joy of the Lord doesn’t change just because you feel lousy. It’s still the same. It’s always there. Rejoice that you are a child of God. Rejoice that you have eternal life. Rejoice that God has blessed you with your precious children. Rejoice that you trust in a God who will never fail you. Rejoice even when everything looks hopeless. “Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say, Rejoice!” (Philippians 4:4).
Love is a noun, but also a verb. Love doesn’t become effective until we verb it. We love, not because we feel like loving, or because the person is nice or doing what we want them to do, but because Jesus Christ wants to love through us!
Peace is a noun, but the Bible makes it a verb. It tells us to extend peace, follow peace, love peace, make peace, ordain peace, preach peace, publish peace, pursue peace, seek peace and speak peace.
Dear mother, all the beautiful attributes of Jesus are in you because He lives in you! Next time you are getting upset and tense because everything is overwhelming you, start confessing the truth.
“Thank You, Jesus, for Your peace. Thank You for Your peace that fills my very being. Thank You for Your peace that fills our home.”
When you are losing your patience, start confessing the truth. “Thank You, Jesus, for Your patience that is in me. I am the most patient mother in my city!” Well, that’s not a lie, because there is no more longsuffering person than Jesus and He lives in you
Instead of living by your feelings and allowing your circumstances to dictate to you, yield to the life of Jesus that dwells in you. Confess His attributes that are now in you. Remember, it’s no long you, But Christ that lives in you (Galatians 2:20).
God wants to bring heaven to your home today. Yield yourself to Him so He can shine His attributes through you. Invite Him to fill you to overflowing so you will overflow with His love, His joy, His longsuffering, His patience, and His self-control.
Blessings from Nancy Campbell

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