GoodQuestThe education of our children is a big part of our mothering. It is a responsibility that God has given to us as mothers. It’s not something we can hand over to someone else, unless we know that person is teaching our children a biblical worldview and the understanding of God’s ways for mankind from the Bible. We are responsible to oversee the education of our children from God’s point of view because we are nurturing and educating them on His behalf.

William Booth, the founder of the Salvation Army, challenges us to ask this question regarding every opportunity of learning for our children: “‘Will this learning help my children to love God more, and to serve their generation better?’ If it seems likely to do so, to quality them more effectually for saving souls, fighting the devil, mastering sin, and following Jesus Christ, secure it for them, if possible.”

He goes on to say that after we have taught our children all that is necessary to carry on the duties of everyday life and business affairs, we should then decide that “they shall learn nothing that cannot really be pressed into the service of God, and used for the salvation of souls.”

Psalm 1:1, 2: “ Blessed is the man that walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the way of sinners, not sits in the seat of the scornful, But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.”

Does this picture the education of your children?

Have a great day,

Nancy Campbell


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