GodlyAttributeOne of the attributes of God is that He is our HELP! But the amazing thing is that this attribute is first given to us as women before we read about God being our help. It is God-given attribute. It is a powerful character trait. When you help your husband, you are revealing the image of God.
Therefore, we ask the question: How can I help my husband?
I help him by coming alongside to help him as he needs me.
I help him by speaking sweetly, kindly, and positively into his life.
I help him by fulfilling the role that God has given to me rather than competing for his role of provider and leader of the home. I don’t help my husband by taking his responsibility. This undermines his manhood.
I help him by caring for our children and making our home a place of joy and sweetness.
I help him by making life easier for him to do his work.
I help him by being a sounding board for his dreams and visions for life.
I help him by caring for him physically and nutritionally.
I help him by having an aroma-filled nutritional meal ready for him when he returns home at the end of the day. This is one task of your great motherhood career that you cannot let slip! It is more important than you realize!
I help him by having the home ready for him when he arrives home—toys and mess cleaned up and thrown out of sight!
I help him by being excited to see him when he arrives—even if I have had a lousy day! It is a strong woman who can put aside her self-pitying spirit and by faith put on a smiling face. Greet your husband with joy and talk about the troubles later on—after the evening meal and the children are in bed.
I help him by being available sexually to him. I was created to be “one flesh” with my husband, to delight him rather than deprive him.
Have a wonderful day blessing your husband,
Nancy Campbell

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