BlessedMothersdayI would like to think that today is not only a day where families celebrate and honor their mothers, but where we see it as a day to celebrate motherhood itself. That means we celebrate every woman, every female, whether she is in the season of mothering with all her little ones around her or whether she is unmarried or not able to have children.

God created every mother with a mothering anointing. Motherhood is the revelation of God’s nurturing, comforting, pouring out of Himself heart. He has put this divine predisposition inherently in every female. Even women who reject children mother their pets because they are created to nurture.

I want to encourage and bless every mother today. If you are yet unmarried, don’t wait until you are married with children to become a mother. Embrace your nurturing heart now and live your life to minister to others around you who need your help.

If you are not yet able to conceive, I know your grief can seem unbearable. However, as you wait in faith, don’t hide yourself in your grief, but open your heart to mother those whom God puts in your life. Maybe you will foster or adopt. Or reach out to needy children or widows or the poor around you. As you release your mothering anointing, you live in the fullness of God’s plan for you as a female.

And to all the precious mothers who are in the trenches of motherhood, I honor you today. You love your children. They are your life. But often you feel overwhelmed in the huge challenge of mothering. Be encouraged. You are in the perfect will of God. You are doing what God created you to do. Your career of mothering is greater than any other career in the nation. All other careers are temporary and will be left behind. You have an eternal career. You are mothering and training children who have eternal souls and as you lead them to Jesus, you will take them into the glories of the eternal kingdom with you.

You determine the destiny of this nation. You influence future generations. You are bringing sons and daughters into glory. Without mothers birthing babies and raising them for God, this world would come to an end! You keep the world going. Your greatest accomplishment in this life is your influence as a mother. It’s the greatest power you wield.

May you be blessed as your family gathers around and honors you today. But even if they do not honor you and you feel unappreciated (and you may feel as though you hate Mother’s Day), please know that God is watching. He notices your loving, serving heart. Your labor of love is not in vain.

Be encouraged as you do the greatest work God has given you to do, above everything else you will do in this life: “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labor is NOT IN VAIN in the Lord” (1 Corinthians 15;58).

Love from my home to yours today,

Nancy Campbell

Painting by Marci Oleszkiewicz


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