SaltShakersMatthew 5:13: “Ye are she salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savor wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.”

Good people have always been known as the salt of the earth. Good people can be good in some ways, e.g. their work ethic, helping someone in need, courageous on the battlefield, or good with their children. But when it comes to morality such as abortion, adultery, homosexuality, and embracing and raising the children God wants us to have, we often discover that they are not the salt of the earth.

What is the salt of the earth that Jesus talks about? We are the real “salt of the earth” if we allow our lives to lign up with what Jesus calls us for in this sermon. When it comes to judging true values, the salty words of Jesus must be the only judgment we can use.

We are only the salt of the earth when we live and practice what we believe. People can know the Bible through and through, but knowing it is not enough to make us the salt of the earth. We must live what we know.

Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount was the greatest saltshaker in the history of the earth, but it would have no meaning if Jesus did not practice what He preached.

Men, if we do not shake the salt first with our wives and families, we fail the cause of Christ. We husbands are saltshakers, shaking out the salt (God’s truth) everywhere we go. The world desperately needs it.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell


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