Wake-Up-AmericaToday is 9/11 2014. 9/11 2001 was a wakeup call for America. Despite what many think, I believe America did right by responding with appropriate action to strike back at the two nations who were mainly responsible for harboring and assisting the Al Qaeda terrorist organization that cruelly and callously attacked and killed so many thousands of innocent peace-loving Americans. They had done them no harm nor threatened them. This was a premeditated murder of American citizens simply because they hate us because we are not Islamic and practicing their Sharia law. And also because as Christians we support Israel who they also hate.

They have to know that we owe it to our nation to show appropriate response to their attacks.

The big question is: How aware are we? Having dealt them a massive blow in both those countries, we decided to withdraw and take a more softer and tolerant approach toward them. Now we reap the tragic results with an even bolder and more barbaric ideology in new and improved terrorism.

America woke up for awhile but soon drifted back into dozing. America has been called to wake up and stay awake. As Christian families we must learn that prayer is the method God uses to keep us awake and alert. We must be on the alert spiritually, for our nation's sake.

I believe God is calling for families, as well as individuals, to wake up and pray as never before. If ever there was a time in all our history to pray, that time is NOW.

Jesus said to His disciples in Luke 22:46: "Why sleep ye? rise and pray, lest ye enter into temptation."

Be encouraged. Colin Campbell


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