StandtallPsalm 118:6 says, "The Lord is on my side; I will not fear: what can man do unto me?"

Our Homeland Security arose to new levels of vigilance following 9/11. As Christians, we must also constantly be on the alert for spiritual and immoral terrorists that seek to attack and destroy our moral values in individuals, families, homes, churches, and the nation.

To be honest, I believe that spiritual vigilance regarding our nation's values is the first line of defense and needs the most attention. Our nation's border defense systems against physical enemies, e.g. Islamic terrorist organizations are secondary, although I do not seek to undermine their strategic importance. The question is: how safe are we? Even if we have all our borders and ports of entrance covered with the most sophisticated technology (which we do not), if our national morals and godly values are not vigilantly guarded, are we really safe?

As a nation, we must understand that real protection comes from God. Unless He is on our side, we remain vulnerable for all kinds of attack. Moral values are under serious erosion in our nations. The sanctity of marriage is under massive attack--both from the homosexual agenda as well as unfaithfulness and divorce, even in the church. Abortion is the shedding of innocent blood and that blood continues to flow in an ever increasing stream throughout our nation's abortion clinics. How is that we are so indignant at ISIS slashing innocent people's throats while our own nation slashes the throats of our own unborn babies? What hypocrisy and blindness.

As families, churches, and nations we must never ever forget that God is our most important line of defense. True homeland security is very much a spiritual thing.
If God is not watching over us to protect us from all enemy attack then we are of all people most vulnerable.

We should make it our most urgent business to keep God on our side. Whatever is an offence to God must also be an offence to us. We must never, as a nation, take God's protection for granted. I fear this what we have done and continue to do.

Psalm 127:1 says, "Except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain."

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell


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