ValueFamHomeWhat does home mean to you?
1. Home is the basic foundation of every human culture on earth from the beginning time. Cities and nations are built on the foundations of home.
2. Men have built homes in caves, cliffs, trees and lived in tents, but they have always had homes.
3. Homes are the nesting places of mothers and children. Men like this nest also.
4. Homes are synonymous with mothers and families. It’s almost impossible to be a mother without a home
5. If homes and family are built on solid rock foundations, they will survive the storms of life.
6. Home is the focal point of being a family. It is the gathering place of families.
7. Families live in homes, flats, and apartments. If you don’t have a home, you most likely live on the street and that’s not good at all. Imagine what it would be like to have no home and be homeless.
8. Home is the nurturing place of families.
9. Home is a basic requirement of life.
10. Home is much more than a shelter and a bed. It is a place where we find belonging and we all have a need to belong.
11. Home is a place where we find love. Love is one of the greatest needs of all humanity.
12. Home is a place where we fellowship together and learn the basics of all relationships.
13. Home is a place of security. You are not adrift on an endless sea of humanity.
14. Home is a place of rest and peace and where we are accepted.
15. Home is a place where we have a place at the family table and where we eat healthy, home-made food.
16. Home is a place where we experience the teaching, tenderness, and understanding of a loving mother.
17. Home is the place where we experience the provision, love, security, and instruction of a devoted father.
18. Home is a place of guidance and preparation for life.
Make your home a strong, godly home.

Be encouraged.

Colin Campbell


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