REV UP THE ZEAL continued.

Colossians 3:23 says, “And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men.” This Scripture plainly states that we should be enthusiastic about everything we do, not just some things. Of all people on the face of this earth, we men who call ourselves Christians, could make such an amazing difference if we would only, by the power of the Holy Spirit, show much more divine enthusiasm.

Enthusiasm has the ability to brighten up your marriage and to be a blessing to your children. We who desire to be real men must put an end to moaning, complaining, and making excuses. We must put an end to dragging our feet. This goes against our manliness. We must take a strong stand against all signs of listlessness, apathy, and heartlessness. A heavy chain is hard to drag!

“The zeal of the Lord of hosts shall do this” is mentioned three times in Scripture—2 Kings 19:31; Isaiah 9:7 and 37:32. These Scriptures express the accomplishing power of zeal.

There are many other Scriptures relating to God’s zeal. Our indwelling God is a zealous God and this should make all the difference to the way we live.

Be encouraged to live zealously. Colin

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