“The zeal of thine house hath eaten me up” (John 2:17). This is the testimony of Jesus. I love enthusiastic people. I believe enthusiasm definitely enhances manhood.

Jesus was, and still is, zealous and enthusiastic about the holiness of God’s house, to the point of severe indignation. This zeal caused Him to make a whip and drive out all that abused and profaned His Holy temple.

We men would do well to take strong notice of this passage so that we will also keep God’s temple clean.

Enthusiasm makes a difficult job easier and assists us to do a better job. An enthusiastic person is good to be around. When we lack this virtue, we can be boring and unexciting to everyone around us.

I do not think any man can win a lady to become his wife without showing some passion. I think it’s sad when the honeymoon is over and the enthusiasm that started the relationship begins to wane. The honeymoon is never meant to be over. Whatever it took to win your wife to marry you is what you must keep doing to keep her married to you.

Enthusiasm enables us to carry through what we started all the way to the end. Zeal will keep going to the finishing line.

Be encouraged in the zeal of the Lord. Colin
REV UP THE ZEAL continued.

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