...with her children all kneeling around her is far greater than any public ministry."
~ Charles Spurgeon
...with her children all kneeling around her is far greater than any public ministry."
~ Charles Spurgeon
Never be ashamed of your high calling of motherhood. It is the most influential career in the nation. You are part of determining the next generation and the nation.
Your womb belongs to you as a woman. It is where you conceive and grow life. Without the womb bringing forth life this world would come to a screeching halt. It is also the seat of your emotions, your compassion and mercy. Embrace your wombhood and motherhood. They are the glory of your womanhood.
Dear mother, you will receive your reward (1 Corinthians 15:58).
The Bible doesn’t lie. Put a smile on your face even when you are feeling lousy. You’ll be amazed at how a smile and choosing a happy attitude can change your whole outlook. There’s nothing like a miserable attitude to make you sick. There’s nothing like a cheerful attitude to keep you healthy.
Isn’t that so true? If you want a cheerful marriage become a proactively cheerful wife. And if you want a cheerful household, which is so necessary for a happy home, put on a cheerful face. Smile at everyone in your family. Speak uplifting and encouraging words. You may not feel like doing so but take no notice of your feelings for they are deceiving and not the true reality. It is amazing that when you put on a cheerful face your heart will soon begin to feel cheerful too. And then everyone will be cheerful. Isn’t that what you want?
Mother’s determine the course of the next generation. Godly home-mothering, home-teaching mothers influence the nation for good.
Email Nancy
PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687
Phone : 931-729-9861
Office Hrs 9am - 5pm, M - F, CTZ