A testimony from Anastassija.
I am sure you will agree with me that mothering children is such a high calling from the Lord. My heart longs to fulfill that calling—the right way, God’s way. Yet I will not deny those constant questions in my head by the end of the day, “Am I doing this right? Maybe I should have spent more time with them? Maybe I should have disciplined them differently today?” I am sure I am not the only mother who has such loving intentions for her children, yet always battling some guilt and doubt.
I have searched for answers in books, articles, podcasts, and sought advice from other parents who seemed more experienced than me. And yet again, something was missing. What worked for one mother did not work for me and my children.
So how do I become that godly mother that does the will of the Father in her home?
I tried reading about being patient and then tried so very hard to be patient with my children. The results? I failed miserably.
I would read Proverbs 31 and push myself to be that woman throughout the day. The results? I failed once again. God knows I have tried to finish all the things on my to-do list and manage my time wisely. I have tried increasing my faith. I have wholeheartedly tried moving mountains. The only mountains I was able to move were the mountains of laundry I have to do daily.
I foolishly believed that I had to live out the Word of God in my own strength. But the simple truth is that when you read God’s word, it “supernaturally” changes your heart. It makes no sense how it is possible, but you cannot separate God and His Word.
When you take time to indulge yourself in His Word, you give the Holy Spirit an opportunity to make you into His image. That Word is living, breathing, and incredibly powerful.
I can testify that there is now peace in my home, beyond understanding. There is a different depth of love between my husband and me and our children. The Holy Spirit is working on a special bond within our family.
It's simple. It's about making His Word a priority in your life. Yes, before the dirty dishes, laundry, homework, before children’s playdates and everything else that is on your “to-do” list. I will not claim to be perfect at it in any way, but I’ve got a small taste of what His Word is capable of doing in my heart and in my family.
When you read His Word and you store it deep in your heart, consistently, God MOVES. He moves within your day, your husband, and your children. He moves within your heart.
Jesus said, “Seek the Kingdom of God first and His righteousness and everything else will be added to you” When you do that very thing that Jesus said, it gives God a chance to fulfill His promises in your life. It doesn’t matter what situation you are in as a mother, if you are focusing on His Word, He is able to take care of stuff for you. I no longer have to “try” so hard to be the mother God wants me to be. Stress is so unnecessary, yet you cannot escape it when you try to do it all on your own.
Believe in His Word. Lay all your responsibilities upon His Word. Our Mighty God and His Word are One, fully capable to perform miracles. Read it with your heart wide open. Let Him in. When you read His Word, you are letting the Father speak directly into your heart. His Word produces faith inside you.
Dear mothers, our attitude toward God’s Word can change our family and bring peace to our homes! God’s Words on the lips of a believing mother can move any mountain within your marriage, your heart, and your children. You are called to so much more than just to move mountains of laundry.
My mind still cannot comprehend it. I cannot use logic for it to make sense. But I can simply testify that the Word of God is the ONLY foundation that there is for you and those you love. I still have a long way to go. But one truth I experienced in my own life is that it is impossible for His Word to fail.
If He has done it in my family, He is able to do it in yours.
Precious mothers, let’s give His Word a try.
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Wilberforce, Ontario, Canada
Picture: Anastasija with her husband, Josh, and Jadon, Tayah, and Eleanor.