BoostFert2Continuing from yesterday.
~ Meadow Hall.
2. Eat less of these foods:
• Foods high in added sugar and refined grains
• Hydrogenated oils
• Fast foods and processed foods
• Synthetic fortified foods
• Excess caffeine
• Excess alcohol
• Certain food sensitivities that may trigger inflammation (dairy, gluten, etc.)
• Processed meats with preservatives
3. Limit Exposure to Toxins and Endocrine Disrupters:
• Replace plastic Tupperware for glass
• Throw out toxic non-stick pans
• Avoid drinking from hot or old plastic water bottles and plastic coffee filters or keurig cups
• Buy canned tomatoes in glass containers instead of bpa or bps lined cans
•Replace synthetic candles and air fresheners with natural wax candles and air fresheners scented with essential oils
• Filter tap water
• Throw out all personal products with phthalates (or anything that has “fragrance” listed unless it’s derived from natural fragrance or says “phthalate-free”)
• Replace toxic household cleaners and laundry detergent with white vinegar, baking soda, or non-toxic cleaners
• Ask for digital receipts (paper receipts can contain high levels of PBA)
4. Establish daily habits that boost overall health and lower inflammation:
• Do moderate exercise
• Practice Deep Abdominal Breathing to reduce stress and inflammation
• Don’t skip breakfast
• Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep
• Get exposure to morning sunlight to help regulate hormones and metabolism
• Stay hydrated
5. Consider supplements to boost egg and sperm quality:
• Folate (Methylfolate, not folic acid)
• N-acetylcysteine (NAC)
• Omega-3
• Vitamin D
• CoQ10
• Alpha-lipoid acid
• Vitamin C
• Magnesium
• Vitamin E
• Zinc
Additional supplements/medications:
• Myo-inositol (best for women with PCOS)
• Bioidentical Progesterone (for women with low progesterone)
• Metformin (has been shown to increase fertility in women with PCOS)
Manage health conditions that increase inflammation or are linked to infertility
• Gut issues
• Endometriosis
• Thyroid disorders
• Gum Disease
• MTHFR mutation
• Hormonal imbalances
• Diabetes
• Obesity or being underweight
• Chronic infections
• Heavy metal toxicity
• Mold toxicity
• Chronic stress
Diagnosing medical conditions can be helpful in enabling you to manage them and lower chronic inflammation that can negatively affect fertility. Talk with your health provider about any symptoms you may be experiencing that could relate to these conditions and discuss a treatment plan.
Blessings from MEADOW HALL
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