BoostFertility(Part 1) by Meadow Hall
(For those who need this information).
(I am sending this out in two parts so keep checking!)
It’s Meadow here! For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Pearl Barrett’s oldest daughter and Nancy Campbell’s granddaughter. The following are some of the helpful things I’ve learned about fertility after struggling with multiple miscarriages. Here’s my little background story:
I have three little blessings here on earth and three in Heaven. My first two miscarriages happened after my first child was born and my last one after having my second. After my first two miscarriages, I found out I had two of the MTHFR gene mutations. This meant my body had a harder time processing folate which is very important for egg quality. I then discovered that synthetic folic acid (which is usually encouraged to be taken during pregnancy and is added to many of our foods) is actually harmful and what my body really needs is natural folate (or methylfolate).
After my last miscarriage, I did some deeper diving and learned that folate was only a small part of the equation. I learned how many miscarriages are the result of the embryo having chromosomal abnormalities which begins with poor egg or sperm quality, and that there are many other nutrients that are important for egg and sperm quality. I learned about how toxins, inflammation, and endocrine disrupters (which are all around us) can damage egg and sperm health.
At the time of my last miscarriage, my body was dealing with a lot of inflammation due to digestive issues that came from damaging my stomach lining from previously overdoing pain meds (like Tylenol and ibuprofen) since I had a reverse neck curve that caused chronic pain. It eventually got better after chiropractic adjustments, stretches, and better posture.
I suspected that all the inflammation my body was dealing with probably had something to do with my egg quality, so I became very dedicated to eating anti-inflammatory foods to heal my gut. My husband and I also took several months before trying again to take some of the supplements that can improve egg and sperm quality listed on this graphic, and we became more aware about some of the products we had been using that contained endocrine disrupters.
After our fertility game-plan, we conceived right away, and I gave birth to our first daughter. Now I’m sharing some of the information I’ve learned in hopes that it may help someone else. Keep in mind that none of these steps are a guarantee at becoming pregnant or keeping a baby, but having more knowledge and taking the right steps may help our chances and rekindle our hope.
*I do not have a medical degree, and this is not meant to be taken as medical advice. I am simply sharing the knowledge I’ve learned in hopes that it might help others make decisions that will improve their fertility. Keep in mind, some supplements may interact with specific medications or medical issues. If that is the case, you may want to discuss these supplements with your doctor. Lastly, always do your own personal research.*
We all know that a baby comes from a sperm and an egg but did you know that a healthy live birth baby comes from a healthy sperm and egg?
It turns out, sperm and egg quality play a very important role in increasing the chance of conception and reducing the risk of miscarriage. We can improve their quality by eating nutritional anti-inflammatory foods, supplementing with antioxidants that support the mitochondria, limiting harmful toxins and endocrine disrupters that decrease egg and sperm quality and managing health issues that may be putting our bodies in a state of chronic inflammation.
It takes about 90 days for the egg to mature and about 74 days for sperm to mature. This is why it is best to take three months at minimum to improve sperm and egg quality before trying to conceive.
Since egg and sperm play an equal role in fertility, it’s important that both parents dedicate teamwork in stewarding their fertility. Be sure to share this information with your hsuiband, as many of the same things listed that benefit or harm egg quality can effect sperm similarly.
Here are five ways to boost egg and sperm quality:
1. Eat more of these foods:
• Wild caught salmon
• Extra Virgin Olive Oil (consumed raw or cooked at low-temp)
• Organic oats and quinoa
• Organic fruits and vegetables
• Fermented dairy (homemade kefir and yogurt)
• Beans and lentils
• Nuts and Seeds
• Beetroot (can support blood flow to uterus)
More tomorrow.
Blessings from MEADOW HALL
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Meadow and Kendall and the children are currently living in Japan where Kendall works for Nissan.
Picture: Meadow and Kendall in
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