Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs

Through the weekly and daily devotionals you can be constantly encouraged in your great role of parenting, the highest career in the nation. You can also stay updated on what's happening with the Above Rubies ministry.

The vision for Meat for Men — UNCOMPROMISING MANHOOD blog is to encourage husbands, fathers and single men in Biblical manhood.


What kind of prayer meetings do you attend? Are they destroying the works of the enemy?
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WhoseSideIf God’s people had not cried out to God for Donald Trump to win this last election, America would have without doubt sunk into the mire of communism. Those who did not cry out in desperation may take the victory for granted because it did not cost them anything. We do not value what costs us nothing.
God has given President Trump great zeal which we so desperately need at this time in our history. However, because of this great need, I believe God also wants to pour out His zeal upon as many as are willing to receive it. I believe this needs to happen quickly rather than gradually. I believe that if God can give it to one, He can give it to many!
This window of the next four years is small in comparison to the vastness of the evil into which this country has declined. Like surfers who wait for the next great wave to ride all the way into the shore, we must also take this amazing opportunity to ride this great wave of the zeal of the Lord and chase these enemies of evil until they are obliterated.
Isaiah 9:7 says: “The zeal of the LORD will perform this.”
The trumpet of the Lord has sounded. The enemy is freaking out. We must shake the dust off our running shoes and chase after our enemies. We must stop whispering the name of Jesus and begin shouting the name of Jesus as we man the battle stations in our prayer meetings. If we zealously blow the trumpet in our prayer meetings, we will stand a far better chance of shaking the gates of hell after our prayer meetings!
When King Saul and the Israelites were in great distress, the Philistines came against Israel to fight “with 30,000 chariots, and 6,000 horsemen, and people as the sand which is on the sea shore in multitude” (1 Samuel 13:5). Apart from Saul and Jonathan, the Israelites owned no weapons because the Philistines would now allow them to have any blacksmiths.
Saul could only put together an army of 3,000—2,000 with him and 1,000 with his son, Jonathan. When this small army saw the huge army of the Philistines, they “hid themselves in caves, and in thickets, and in rocks, and in high places, and in pits” and Saul was left with a “trembling” army of only 600! (1 Samuel 13:6, 15).
Jonathan, full of zeal and faith, and his armor bearer separated themselves from Saul’s trembling soldiers. The Bible doesn’t use the word “zeal” to describe Jonathan, but his actions certainly show it. These two men alone took on this massive army that could not be numbered for multitude.
What was Jonathan’s confession: “For there is no restraint to the LORD to save by may or by few.” The point is that God who can cause just one man to start the ball of victory rolling can also marshal many more to join in the victory battle, including the heavenly host..
As soon as Jonathan and his armor bearer revealed themselves to the Philistines, they knocked off 20 men for a start and then God sent a massive trembling into the camp, so much so that even the ground trembled. An earthquake! The Philistines began to panic.
When Saul saw what was happening, he gathered all those who were with him and joined in the battle to chase and kill the Philistines and win a mighty victory for Israel. Read the whole story in 1 Samuel 13 and 14.
How does this relate to us? Like Jonathan, President Trump, clothed with the zeal of God, is turning American’s enemies around. And they are trembling. God has called him to begin the scattering of the vast enemies of righteousness. But the Lord is also calling us to come out of our spiritual hiding places our “caves, thickets, rocks, holes and cisterns,” and get clothed with the zeal of faith and chase our enemies until they are consumed.
It is not good enough for us to say that our president is doing a great job and leave it that. No way! We must take courage with the speed and zeal that he is showing and start chasing God’s enemies. We do this primarily with our prayers. But we must also act with our voices, our pens, the Internet etc. We must speak up wherever we are and do whatever we can. We must be in this fight together with our president.
If we love this country, we will fight it out with the demonic spiritual forces that have been making this country one of the largest child trafficking countries in the world.
We must not side with the media when they criticize him for being too tough on all these criminals and gang members who have come over our borders and caused so much trouble, taken over whole buildings and hotels etc., and murdered and raped so many. They have been given privileges and rights beyond the average American citizen.
We cannot give these hedonistic mockers of Trump the time of day— main stream media, who cunningly and craftily try to convince us, “the lovers of righteousness,” that our president is far too tough in his zeal to fire them from their jobs of shutting off water supplies, stopping crops, legalizing against our own energy supplies.
The previous administrations were corrupt to the core and deserved to be thrown out. Without a doubt they cunningly stole the last election.
However, the battle to rebuild our nation has only just begun. We must never ever take this victory for granted. We must not become blaze. We must pray earnestly to our only true God that He will fill us all with His holy zeal for the task of building again the godly foundations of this nation that we have, through our spiritual lukewarmness, allowed to be eroded and destroyed.
I do not think I would be wrong to say that if you took a poll of this nation’s knowledge of our foundations and its Constitution that there would only be a few who truly know it. The question is: how can we replace and build what we do not know we have lost? Every school, college, and university should have classes on the Constitution of this nation. This should not be negotiable. It is an absolute necessity.
Let’s seek to be clothed with the zeal of the Lord,
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Let your children know and see the love you have for them, father.
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Father, are you leading your family into all that God has for them?
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ZealofLORDThe psalmist asks in Psalm 11:3: “If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do?”
What is the answer?
We must roll up our sleeves,
get filled with the zeal of the Lord, and
rebuild them!
Our president, Donald Trump, is certainly not lacking in zeal for he has accomplished more in the first week of his presidency than most presidents took years to accomplish.
Most men have retired years before they reach his age of 78 years, but Donald Trump is a phenomenon. He does not charge a dime for his hard work as he is not in the presidency for his personal gain of finance. Rather, he is zealous to see his country come back to its foundational truths that have been eroded at the hands of those who have no love for biblical values and laws that have made this country so great.
This zeal of his must not be despised or mocked, for God, who is the author of zeal has given it to him. There are numerous Scriptures that mention the zeal that God uses to get things done in a hurry when things have reached a desperate point.
2 Kings 19:31 says: “For out of Jerusalem shall go forth a remnant, and they that escape out of mount Zion: the zeal of the LORD of hosts shall do his.”
Verse 35 tells us what the zeal of the Lord did the night following that prophecy: “And it came to pass that night, that the angel of the LORD went out, and smote in the camp of the Assyrians a hundred fourscore and five thousand, and when they arose early in the morning, behold, they were all dead corpses.”
When God’s zeal comes into action, look out!
You do not want to be on the wrong side of God!
The zeal of the Lord is also mentioned in Isaiah 9:6, 7 relating to the coming Messiah: “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty Gd, the everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment, and with justice from henceforth even forever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.”
It will take a very special zeal to accomplish the coming kingdom of the Messiah, who is King of kings and Lord of lords. In a world filled with rebellion and resistance to the ways of God it will need the anointing of zeal. It is called the zeal of the LORD of hosts (the armies of Heaven). Did you know that God is a “man of war”? (Exodus 15:3).
When the northern kingdom of Israel was in a dangerous backslidden state because of King Ahab and his wife Jezebel, God raised up a man of zeal called Jehu. 2 Kings 9:20 gives a description of his chariot driving: “The driving is like the driving of Jehu, for he driveth furiously.”
At one instance, Jehonadab came to meet Jehu and Jehu said: “Come with me, and see my zeal for the LORD. So they made him ride in his chariot” (2 Kings 10:16). We cannot ride with Jehu, but we can ride with Grump. We can be in the front lines with him as we pray daily for his safety and guidance and wisdom from God.
There are some people who regard Donald Trump as a 21st century Jehu because he likes to get things done with speed. However, President Trump cannot accomplish the rebuilding of the foundations of America on his own. He must be supported by a large body of Christians who are zealous for the Lord and who earnestly pray for him on a daily basis.
We must understand that we may not ever get this opportunity again. We must take this call for the zeal of God very seriously. It is not enough to admire the zeal that God has given Trump and yet fail to cry out for God to also clothe us with His zeal.
We must pray that the people he has appointed to his cabinet will be approved quickly so they can also get to work quickly and also be clothed with zeal.
The question is: can the foundations of this great nation be restored in just four years? I believe that with God all things are possible. Donald Trump knows that the time is short for he only has another four years to get this great work done. That’s not long.
We must pray daily that his zeal will not fail or wain but rather increase. This is our four-year window of opportunity. My prayer is that you and I will make the most of this breakthrough window that God has given us. Pray with your family members morning and evening.
Are you part of a prayer meeting for this nation? If not, begin one in your own home. Invite other families to come and pray with you once a week.
Let’s go for it with the zeal of the Lord upon us,
Colin Campbell
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Are you giving your children the true gold?
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The Greatest Bible Institute...

Can you say Amen?
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GreatVictoryWhat a great victory we all received with the inauguration of President Trump as America’s 47th president. It is nothing short of a miracle and an answer to the prayers of millions of God’s people.
In the midst of our rejoicing we must be mindful not to forget all the agony and pain our Presudent suffered during the last eight years because of the evil woke haters. The last election was stolen from him by the corrupt cabal who could not care less about deceit, lies, and thievery at the highest levels of government. We cannot help but be amazed that Donald Trump could come back from that defeat, let alone face intense persecution virtually every day until his inauguration.
Their attacks came from all sides, even from those whom he thought he could trust, those whom he had promoted and helped but through the heat of the trials betrayed and forsook him instead of remaining loyal.
Think of the many court cases right up until his inauguration. Four years of sheer hell. Think of the enormous amount of money he had to find for all his attorneys who gallantly fought for him but still he did not cave in.
Think about all the mainstream media who bitterly tore him to pieces every single day. And yet he still endured where most men would have caved and given up the fight. But not Donald Trump. He would not give in.
Think about his own personal family home being ransacked and vandalized by the FBI. Even Melanie’s personal and private belongings were vandalized under the direction of Joe Biden. But still he did not lie down or give up the fight.
And what about the two major attempts to assassinate him? Both were so close to achieving their evil, murderous intent. To make matters worse, the Secret Service in Butler were too incompetent to keep him safe. I believe it was very brave of him to return to the scene of the assassination attempt to give the people of Butler, Pennsylvania another chance to hear him. Others would have given up long before.
Do not tell me that the man does not love his country. Every public appearance is another risk of being killed.
I believe Donald Trump knows that he is chosen by God to save this country that he loves and by God’s help to bring her back to her former glory. This country was indeed very close to tipping itself over the cliff into a godless, New World Order headed by the evil World Economic Forum.
But for the watchful eyes of those designated to spy, film, and report suspicious stealing and fraud this election would have also been stolen. These people deserve honor and praise.
It is God that gifted Donald J. Trump with fiery zeal to stand up and campaign against a very hostile and dangerous time in America, especially in a country that is overrun by extreme left wing and dangerous liars and prideful deceivers seeking to turn this great nation into a cesspool of godless, anti-Christ, paganistic people without any moral compass. With unflagging zeal and energy Trump was used by God to convince the majority to vote for the truth built into our Constitution.
This country has also been compromised by the Democrats, RINOS, the woke media, the woke colleges as well as the judiciary system. And sad to say, even a lot of churches. Shame on them.
But Donald Trump, by the grace of Almighty God, had the eyes of understanding to see where these doctrines of deception were taking us. To be honest, they were taking us straight to hell. These people do not even believe that there is a holy God, let alone a Heaven and Hell, but they will find out sooner or later. Sadly, by then for many, it will be too late.
The other thing we should not forget is that Donald Trump refused to take a salary during his first term as President and has stated that he will not during his second term either. What a man!
My next post concerns us. I believe the fiery zeal God has given to Donald Trump should be parallel and equaled by a zealous church, a fiery church that will pray daily for him for the fight is not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers that are influencing and driving these cabal leaders (Ephesians 6:12)..
We will talk about this next week.
Be encouraged.
Colin Campbell
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God looks for men of courage!
"To stay silent in the face of evil is itself evil."
~ Bonhoeffer
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You may be interested in these courses for yourself and the young men in your family:
JETHER ENGLISH (known to us personally) is one of the instructors at the BSC Course (Bible, Survival, Combat) run by Zadok and Claire Johnson. This year he is organizing several different training courses, varying in length and subject content. The training location base is near Indianapolis, Indiana.
He is also willing to travel to your location if you would like to host a training course and have several people interested in attending. Training courses are held throughout the entire calendar year, no matter the weather, up to multiple times per month. He can be contacted via text message, phone call, or email. You can also visit the NCRT website.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ph: 615-828-8503
The NO COMPROMISE RESPONSE TEAM (NCRT) offers hands-on training for wilderness survival, medical response, and rescue techniques, equipping individuals with the skills to respond effectively in emergencies. Founded by Jether English, an experienced wilderness and rescue trainer, the program covers essential skills such as medical assessment and treatment, rope rescue, patient movement, and survival strategies for harsh weather and remote environments.
Courses range from single-day workshops to multi-day events, focusing on practical scenarios and hands-on learning. Jether’s background includes work as a volunteer firefighter and cave rescue specialist, with certifications like BLS/CPR and Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC).
The training program offers a tiered system with level-based advancement:
• Level 1: Beginner, $75/day.
• Level 2: Intermediate, $50/day (requires skills test).
• Level 3: Advanced, free to attend (assists with training, requires extensive testing and fitness).
The goal is to create a network of capable individuals prepared to assist in crises, from backcountry incidents to large-scale disasters.
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...something which everyone reaches at a rate of 60 minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is."
~ C. S. Lewis
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"Wife and husband must be more than lovers. They must be comrades, soldiers fighting side by side for the same great cause."
From “Safely Home” by Randy Alcorn
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MoveShakeFathers and Mothers . . .
We are raising our children to be movers and shakers of all that is wholesome and righteous.
We are raising children of strong, moral character.
We are raising children who are well taught on all godly and moral values.
We are raising children who know their Bibles and know how to pray.
We are raising children who know how to hold their heads up and their shoulders square in the face of all opposition to righteous standards.
We are raising children who know how to overcome sin.
We are raising children who know how to resist temptations to be liars, cheats, compromisers, and lazy “good for nothings.”
We are raising children who are not afraid of devils and demonic forces of darkness who dare to roar against us.
We are raising children who know their God and who will be strong and do exploits.
We are raising children who have stickability, persistence, and pluck.
We are raising children who are learning how to fight in the battles of life, who will never quit, or throw in the towel.
The whole world needs fathers and mothers who will be prepared to sacrifice everything to make this happen.
“The people who know their God will be strong and take action”
(Daniel 11:32 HCSB)
Colin Campbell * This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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Don't take your marriage for granted. Treasure your wife.

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Can you say Amen?
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You don't need to be a victim of wrong thinking. Instead, as you think God's thoughts, your thinking will be your deliverence!

~ Colin Campbell

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TrumpVance“Christians cannot vote for Democrats and remain faithful to God’s word at the same time. This isn’t even controversial. No believer in Jesus can support the party of abortion-on-demand and child-mutilation.”
~ Pastor Ryan Visconte
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God doesn't ask you to be courageous but VERY COURAGEOUS! God is looking for very courageous men in this hour who will not be afraid of man but of doing the will of God and never deviating from His truth.
~ Colin Campbell
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Have you said "I love you" to your wife today? Not out of duty, but with passion? Keep the fire of your marriage burning.

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Above Rubies Address

Email Nancy

PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
Office Hrs 9am - 5pm, M - F, CTZ