Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs

"If we do not stand up against evil, we are supporting it."
` Colin Campbell

Psalm 119:11: “Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.”
Fathers, we must teach our children what it means to hide God’s Word in their hearts. I believe it is one thing to have God’s Word in your memory, or even your mind (intellect), but it is another thing to hide God’s Word in your heart. You know when God’s Word is hidden in your heart because it becomes your strong conviction, and it affects your deepest feelings.
You know when God’s Word is hidden in your heart because it produces change in your life. You receive understanding and revelation, and it comes alive to you. It also produces the fear of the Lord so that you will not want to displease God in any way.
The way to get God’s Word into your heart is to pray it in for it is a divine happening. Ask God to put it in the hiding place of your heart where the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches will not be able to snatch it away.
How shallow our preaching is when it does not come from our hearts. How shallow our Christian testimony is if it does not come from our heart. Our husbandry and fatherhood should also come from our hearts (Malachi 4:4-6).
To read God’s Word is good,
to study it is better,
but to hide it in your heart is best.
Be encouraged.
Colin Campbell