Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs

Through the weekly and daily devotionals you can be constantly encouraged in your great role of parenting, the highest career in the nation. You can also stay updated on what's happening with the Above Rubies ministry.

The vision for Meat for Men — UNCOMPROMISING MANHOOD blog is to encourage husbands, fathers and single men in Biblical manhood.


13. Make your wife's life easier by picking up after yourself.

Do not expect you wife to pick up after you all the time. I am sure that picking up after you was not in the marriage agreement. Unfortunately, some husbands expect their wives to run around behind them and pick up their dirty plates, cups, papers, and mess.

Men, when you get out of your dirty shirts, socks, and underwear, etc., pick them up and put them where they should go--in a bin or basket where your wife can easily take them to the laundry. Try to keep your part of the bedroom tidy. Hang up your clothes.

Help clear the table after the meal is ended. It will not do you any harm to sweep the floor. If your children are not yet old enough to wash the dishes, lend a hand.

Although it is your wife's primary responsibility to keep the home clean, tidy, and in order, do not ever let her feel that she is your slave or servant.

Make sure that your children do the chores they are assigned to do in order to make things easier for your wife. Do not overdo the excuse that you are too tired to help. Remember, she also gets tired and her work is never ended.

Be encouraged. Colin
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12. Keep your home surroundings tidy.

I believe it is a good thing for a home-loving wife to have a husband who does his best to keep the exterior of his house clean, repaired, painted, and tidy. He should keep the lawns mowed and organize his family to assist in regular clean-ups. He does this primarily to bless his wife.

When God planted a garden for Adam and Eve, He called the garden "Eden" meaning "delight."

I am sure that Eve was blessed with absolutely beautiful surroundings. All Adam had to do was to tend to it and keep it beautiful and delightful.

I am not saying that men have to provide a mansion for their wife, but they should make the most of whatever they can afford for the sake of their wife. You wife should not have to live in a house surrounded by old junk cars, nothing put away tidily, heaps of mess everywhere, things not repaired, and the lawns unmowed.

God did not intend that Eve should live this way for He planted a garden that would delight the first stay-at-home mother.

Each husband should try his best to provide a delightful setting for his wife and family.

Love your wife by doing your best to keep your surroundings tidy.

Be encouraged. Colin
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11. If it all possible, prepare a garden for her.

A little bit of manly work of digging and weeding will do a man no harm.

Read up on how to make a really good vegetable garden. It will keep you and your whole family more down to earth. It will save you lots of money. It will also provide you with lots of healthy nutritious organic food to feed your growing family.

Encourage your growing children to get involved and your wife will love to be involved with the planting. If you grow more than enough, you will be able to bless your friends. Or, your children could set up a roadside stall and sell the surplus.

If you have the right attitude about it, it can be a lot of fun.

I also like to grow beautiful flowers near my wife's office window so they can bring joy to her heart. Your wife at home will be greatly blessed if you provide some nice flower gardens for her, too. A woman needs flowers, and a husband needs a happy and contented wife. Flowers will help.

The first home was in the midst of a garden (Genesis 2:8).

Even in the difficult times of captivity God told His people to build houses and plant gardens and eat the fruit of them: (Jeremiah 29:5).

Be encouraged. Colin
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10. Do your very best to provide well for your wife so she has sufficient money to do basic family shopping.

I know we are living in increasingly difficult financial times and many men are being laid off from their work. In times like these, many Christian stay-at-home mothers can be tempted to leave their homes to go back to Egypt (to the corporate world) just to make ends meet. In doing so, they sacrifice their family and their most needed motherhood. This would be a greater loss to the family than meeting payments on the family car, etc.

In times like these, we need to think outside of the box and do some creative thinking. Perhaps it is time to star up your own business.

I am constantly looking into different ideas that may be good and yet simple to support the family income. Here are two I have recently signed up with as you don't have to put down any money. I like that!

Go to:
www.gobza.com/28790 (read all about lots of potential)
www.ultimatepowerprofits.com/MrC72 (everyone is paid every six days--lots of potential here, too).

You could give them a shot. Nothing to lose.

Be encouraged. Colin
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9. Stand by your wife and support her whenever you discover any of the children have been giving their mother a hard time by deliberately being disrespectful.

When fathers come home they should enquire from their wives as to the behavior of their children towards their mother, as well as towards each other. Small infractions that are normal for young children should be overlooked. A quiet reminder and encouragement to behave better may be all that is required by father.

However, bad moods, insolence, disrespect, and rebellion towards their mother who is trying hard to do what is right for her children must be dealt with by the father when he gets home. He should give appropriate discipline, followed by loving words of encouragement. to do better. The child should be made to sincerely apologize whom apology is due.

If a father neglects to stand by his wife and support her efforts to teach and train his children, she will become discouraged and feel inadequate to fulfill her great and important work.

A homekeeping mother who is sacrificing her life for the sake of God and her family needs the full weight of her husband's support. Otherwise she will feel a victim, and in a sense, abused.

Be encouraged to be an encourager. Colin
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8. Willingly discuss with her any difficulties she faces with the children, or any problems she may want to talk over with you regarding any matter at all.

Always be prepared to offer words of encouragement and wisdom. Always be ready to pray with her so that the God will give His wisdom over every concern. Communication in a caring and helpful way will make your wife feel she is not on her own.

Encourage her to know that what she is doing is worth all her effort, for the sake of the children's moral values, as well as their education. Many state schools have huge failure rates. Not all mothers are gifted teachers and not all state teachers are gifted teachers either.

It is important for each mother to decided what curriculum will work for them. There will always be others who will boast about their successes and make other mothers feel condemned or useless. Encourage your wife to communicate only with other homeschool mothers who will be helpful, not competitive and condemning.

Be encouraged. Colin
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7. Complement her liberally. Emphasize her strong points. Brush aside her weaknesses.

Proverbs 18:21 says, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue."

Most wives are starving for the lack of a complimenting husband. Not only should we compliment our wife, but we should do it liberally. Tough economic times can put a lot of strain upon a marriage. We may have to cut back on certain things, but one thing we men must never cut back on is a complimenting tongue.

It will be much easier for your wife to be a stay-at-home mother if she has a husband who compliments her---about her appearance, about how she orders her home, and how she cares for the family. A woman likes to be complimented on her looks, her figure, her style, her dress, her attitude, her personality, her talents and gifts, plus a hundred and one little things.

If you do not shower your wife with compliments, you endanger her to men who will, unfortunately even in the church as well as in the work place.

Do not be too busy to take the time to compliment your wife every day.

Read about the Shabbat meal which you may like to establish in your home. Check out http://bit.ly/ShabbatMeal

Be encouraged. Colin
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6. Be a brighter and happier man in her presence.

Remember, that throughout the day, your wife has had to cope with crying children and doing all she can to keep the peace. It certainly doesn't help her when she also has to cope with a griping, grisly, overly serious man who doesn't know how to look on the bright side of life and have a good laugh at problems.

Men have mentioned to me that being in a place of responsibility at work is much easier for them than dealing with the immature chaos that frequently occurs in their home. I say, we should never ever equate the smooth running of the work place with home life. At work, it is much easier to dismiss someone who is constantly insubordinate; at home we are seeking to train and discipline immature feelings and wills, and each is often different to deal with. We can't expect maturity too quickly. Remember, you are dealing with growing maturity.

Learn to loosen up. Learn to smile more. Learn to laugh more with your wife and children. Do not allow the imperfections of your family to turn you into a sober-side.

Be encouraged. Colin
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5. Sympathize with her difficulties and failures rather than always lecturing her.

A lecture may be appropriate once in awhile. But, it can get hard to take when all she needs and looks for is sympathy and understanding and instead, all she gets is another lecture. No wonder many women want to be free of the home and go back to the work place.

Men, we would be wise to be more understanding, sympathetic, and consoling when our wives have had a rough day with the children.

Maybe she didn't get home in time to cook the meal you expected when you got home, but she did the family shopping. Perhaps the meal burnt. Or, she feels she has failed the Lord because she doesn't have enough time to pray. There can be a thousand and one things that place your wife under pressure, and the last thing she needs from you is another lecture that will only make her feel more negative about herself.

You are the one she wants when she needs a shoulder to cry on. Help her to knows that she can get all she needs right in her own home.

Be encouraged. Colin
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4. Take time each day to talk to your wife and listen to her.

A woman needs a husband she can talk to. I think most women like to talk to their husbands, especially about the things that interest her. The danger of the "work place" is that there is always more than enough men who are willing to chat up someone else's wife, and yet they are not willing to take the time to listen to their own wife. Shame on them!

Remember this, men. While you are working with adults with whom you can have a mature conversation, your wife willingly sacrifices all that in order to raise and train your children, in all their immaturities.

When you come home each evening, take the time to engage your wife in loving conversation. Be patient and take the time to listen to what she is interested in. Take the time to hear her out, even if you are itching to get on with your own interests.

I think a lot of men are like myself and struggle with impatience, which is immaturity. Your wife deserves to daily have some of your undivided attention. She certainly deserves it.

Be encouraged. Colin
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3. Show gratefulness for all the menial tasks your wife performs in the home.

I believe it would be most difficult for a woman who receives complements from the workforce to come home to educate the children, perform all the menial tasks of homemaking, receive no payment or money, and then not even any gratefulness or complements from her husband.

Everyone needs encouragement and home-making mothers who are diligently raising the next generation need it most.

The enemy of the home makes sure that working women are praised in the work place, the media, and also the church where unthinking pastors, whose wives are out of the home, make sure the corporate woman is praised.

But, God sees the mother at home who sacrifices her life to raise the nation's future leaders. These are women who believe that God did not give them their children to be raised in day care systems or unruly state schools, but rather in the home. As the mother lovingly cares for their children, God praises her the most (Proverbs 31:28-31). So should you!

Be encouraged. Colin
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2. Beware of being a control freak.

While I believe God has made the husband to be the head of his family, including his wife, he would be wise to refrain from over-lording and heavy-demanding ways. A husband's headship is best displayed in loving leadership, 1 Corinthians 13:5 says, "Love seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil."

A dominating and over-powering husband who micro-manages his wife so she cannot make any decisions on her own, or even go anywhere without his approval, will drive his wife not only out of the home, but also out of the marriage.

The best husbands are the easy going ones who are not overly anxious about everything. It is their pleasure to see their wife free, contented, and happy.

Overbearing husbands who stifle every initiative their wife brings up will find it difficult to keep them at home, let alone contented at home.

Be encouraged. Colin
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1. Do not oppose her personal desires on how she wants to make her home a place where she will feel contented.

Rather than opposing your wife, you should encourage her opinions on how she wants the decor, the pictures on the wall, or the arrangement of the furniture. Remember, she lives in the house much more than you do. You should pitch in and help her with what she suggests to make it happen. Many women could possibly be tempted to go back to the corporate world if they feel they are deprived of having their nest the way that makes them feel comfortable.

Remember, just as you want an occupation you can be contented with, so your wife should have her home the way she feels it should be.

I am not talking about yielding to her demands to live in a mansion or spend beyond the budget. At least, let her make the most of what she's got, whether the home be below average, average, or above average.

I know there is a balance to all this and the wife should also consider her husband's opinions.

Be encouraged to seek your wife's happiness and contentment.

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Because so many women are encouraged to leave their home, I thought I would write some practical points to not only encourage women back into the home, but to help them to feel glad and contented to be at home.

What is a home without a mother in it? It is nothing but an empty shell. It is sterile. It has no atmosphere. When mother is not in the home the children, of necessity, will be elsewhere, but not with their mother.

The home needs a mother and true mothers need homes. Homes and mothers are synonymous terms.

Some women have taken the plunge to come home, but have found it difficult because of negative pressures. A husband who does not have strong convictions on this subject is one of the main culprits. Even if he does have strong convictions, but does not know how to encourage his wife to be happy at home, he can easily loose his wife back to the corporate world.

Tomorrow, I will begin a list of practical suggestions for men on how to bring this encouragement to their wives.

Be encouraged. Colin
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All sin, including adultery, theft, homosexuality and murder, etc., must be repented of (1 Corinthians 6:9-11). To know all Scripture without the power and love of the Holy Spirit leads to death. To have all Spirit without a good knowledge of the Scripture can lead to error and also to death.

Men, there is a balance in all Scripture. All Christians should seek the Lord to keep them in the place of balance. I recently watched a DVD which showed the different approaches to winning the lost. One was to stand up in the middle of “red light” areas of our inner cities and hold up signs with Scriptures condemning sin and calling people to repent (somewhat pharisaical). The others reached out with arms of love without any reference to repentance.

I favor the second approach above the first. However, the true gospel or “good news” is what Peter stated to the crowd that gathered at Pentecost whose hearts had been pricked by Peter’s preaching. “Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost” (Acts 2:38).

Paul’s preaching to the Athenians was “And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men everywhere to repent: because He hath appointed a day, in the which He will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom He hath ordained” (Acts 17:30-31).

I believe there is a difference between love and acceptance.

The truth is that God loves sinners.

The truth is also that God accepts sinners into His family based on repentance. Believing in Jesus implies repentance (John 3: 6-21).

May God help us to walk in discernment (Malachi 3:18).

Be encouraged. Colin
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It's easy to stand up when everyone else around you is standing up, but God bless the man whose convictions are strong enough to stand up when no one else has what it takes to stand.

The "last days" will be known as days of great deception, wars and rumors of wars, nations rising up against nations, famines, pestilences, earthquakes, offences, betrayers, haters, and the love of many waxing cold (Matthew 24:4-12). Having spoken of these things, Jesus said, "But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved" (Matthew 24:13).

Unless we have within us what it takes to endure and keep standing up when all others are falling, we also will fail. It will take solid doses of God's Word and serious times in daily prayer in order to survive "the end times" Jesus spoke about.

The casual, half-hearted, luke-warm attitude that is so prevalent in today's Christianity does not contain the stickability, the endurance, and the backbone that will endure the tough times we could well face in the near future.

God is calling for strong family altars, where gathered around the family table, we earnestly read the Scriptures and call upon God who alone can save us.

Men, don't wait! There is no time to delay.

Start today to apply the principles that will produce endurance.

"Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand (stand against, oppose, resist) in the evil day, and having done all, to stand"(Ephesians 6:13).

Be encouraged. Colin
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Do the conservatives, Tea Partiers, and Republicans have the fortitude to stand up for what they really believe about abortion, especially when they do not want to offend women in this election?

The big question right now in the Republican party is whether abortion is legitimate in cases of rape. Our president, in order to score points among women voters, is weighing in as the great advocate for women's rights declaring that "Rape is rape." He goes on to say that because rape is evil, abortion is the right of women and they should chose what should be done.

He does not say, "Abortion is abortion" and that it is also an evil. He has no fear of God on this subject. He believes that the innocent baby in the womb should be murdered. If the little innocent baby happens to be a girl, he certainly does not represent the rights of women.

I personally know of a very beautiful girl who is the consequence of rape and I am sure there are countless others who had mothers who feared God enough to go through such a pregnancy.

I personally believe that Representative Todd Akin of Missouri should stand his ground and let the chips fall where they fall. The fear of God knows no compromise, not even at election time. Of course, we must not be judgmental or condemning toward any victim of rape, but two wrongs do not make a right.

This country has offended God greatly and abortion is one of our greatest offences.

The question comes down to this: do we risk offending God more than we risk fearing women voters, especially at elections.

I believe that this country needs God on our side more than ever.

Be encouraged. Colin
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Men, what do we do when we have a government that openly supports the homosexual agenda and abortion rights, promotes an extreme left wing socialist/communist agenda, and is opposed to Israel?

Answer? Throw it out!

Who could have believed that this would happen to this great nation? We are dreaming and in a serious state or denial if we think otherwise. Realizing the seriousness of this hour, we must not shrug our shoulders in disgust and resign ourselves to fate. This is irresponsible. We must act as real men of God and stand up and resist evil wherever it rears itself, whether it be in our own lives, our family, churches, the market place, or government.

We must always be "the salt of the earth" and "the light of the world."

Do we want to be known as the Christian generation that failed God in this end time hour? Or, do we want to be remembered as the generation that stood up and valiantly fought in the battle?

To refuse to vote against the evils our present government supports, while still having this privilege, is paramount to being an accessory or accomplice to the evil.

Some people think this country deserves the judgment of God, so what's the point of resisting it? However, by virtue of its nature, light always resists darkness, whether it is deserved or not. Salt, by virtue of its nature, always resists corruption.

As men belonging to the army of God, arise and pray, resist evil, vote for what is better for our children and grandchildren. The alternative for our present government may be far from perfect, but at least it is better!

Be encouraged. Colin
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Should we purchase products from companies that openly support the homosexual agenda?

We know that homosexuals lifestyles are contrary to nature (the way God created us) and that this sin is given a special name in Scripture, namely, “an abomination” (Leviticus 18:22). Cohabitation in this perverse way leads to the destruction of cities (Genesis 19).

We also know that homosexuality does nothing to stabilize a population, let alone increase it. Even if homosexual couples adopt children, these children will be encouraged to become or accept homosexuality just by growing up in the environment of this unnatural lifestyle.

These people believe that when we take a stand against their sin that we hate them. This is not the case. Can we not love them to Jesus who is able to deliver them from this sin?

I cannot for the life of me understand why companies would want to give their money to the homosexual agenda. They are simply mocking God who created them and gave them the power to get wealth. They will be speechless on Judgment Day.

Whatever company openly supports the homosexual agenda does not in any way deserve our support. If it is at all possible, refuse them your business, so you will not be guilty of complicity.

Be encouraged. Colin
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With all my heart I believe that it is time for good men to stand up and resist the evil that is overwhelming our nation, whether it is abortion, pornography, homosexuality or any other form of evil that is trying to ruin our great country and bring it into judgment.

One of the many ways to stand up and resist evil is to fight it in prayer. We must learn how to bind the powers of darkness through prayers of agreement (Matthew 18:18-20). Through prayer we can assault and attack the strongholds of the enemy and render them useless.

1 Corinthians 10:4 says, “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.” These weapons find their greatest effectiveness through prayer.

Isaiah 62:6-7 says, “I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, which shall never hold their peace day nor night: ye that make mention of the Lord, keep not silence. And give him no rest, till he establish, and till he make Jerusalem a praise in the earth.” Not only does Jerusalem need our constant prayers, but also our own country and cities. God also sets watchmen (prayer warriors) on the walls of our needy cities.

This country needs our prayers more than ever. In your daily Family Devotions, pray that all these evils will come crashing down. Remember, we are commanded from the Lord of hosts to pray for the place where we live (Jeremiah 29:7).

Be encouraged. Colin
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