"Faithfulness is proved by time."
Above Rubies Daily Encouragement Blogs
God's Word--ancient words made new each day by the Holy Spirit.
"The best learners are the best listeners."
"If you have got any truth in you, for goodness sake, SAY IT! Don't hide truth behind closed doors!"
"People are going to church but not going to church to pray."
"When linked to heaven, you and your family are the answer to this nation's needs."
"Never underestimate the power of a praying family."
"It's not legalism to eat three meals a day to feed the body. Why should it be legalism to feed your spirit and your children's spirit two times a day at Family Devotions?"
Malachi 4:6 says, "And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse." This Scripture speaks initially of the coming of John the Baptist in the spirit and power of Elijah. This is confirmed in Luke 1:16-17 and fulfilled at the first coming of Jesus Christ.
However, many believe there is a future fulfillment. Malachi 4:5 says, "Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord." We all know that when Jesus first appeared it ;was a time of great rejoicing. "Peace on earth, and good will toward men" the angels cried Luke 2:14). The angel also said to the shepherds, "Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people" (Luke 2:10).
This first coming of Christ ushered in the church age of "grace." I believe that the second coming Christ introduces "the great and dreadful day of the Lord" when all the nations of the earth will be judged by Jesus Christ, the soon coming Messiah. Never in the history of the whole world, since the great flood, has there been such a need for the turning of the hearts of fathers and mothers back to children.
Contraception, sterilization, and abortion are certain testimonies as to how hard our hearts have become towards children. Children are not high priority in our world or even in the church.
To be continued. Be encouraged.
On Saturday, 2 March, my wife and I celebrated our Golden Wedding Anniversary.
I must say that I am more in love with my wife now than when I first married her. What an amazing 50 years it has been, not only enjoying each other, but building a godly dynasty.
We are blessed with nine children, currently 39 grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren--and hoping for many more. This is the amazing thing about a marriage. We start off with only two people, but as God blesses, we grow a godly dynasty that can bless the world.
John, the apostle spoke of Jesus coming from "the bosom of the Father" (John 1:18) This means from the heart of the Father or the lap of the Father. Because Jesus came from the Father's intimate affections, He could speak of His Father more authoritatively and more intimately than any others who had ever spoken about God. What an advantage Jesus had above all others.
After Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist, God stated, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased" (Matthew 3:17). Jesus is "the beloved Son" who came from the bosom of the Father.
Wouldn't it be great if all our children could say the same thing about us? The father's heart is a place of intimate affections. Men, this is something we must, as fathers, seek to develop on behalf of our children. It is the greatest thing we can give to our children.
To be continued.
Be encouraged. Colin.
We all want our natural trees to be fruitful. Why not our family trees? In John 15:6 Jesus says that He will cut off the branches that do not bear fruit. We all agree that this passage primarily talks about spiritual fruit. However, there is a parallel here. Christ uses a natural vine to illustrate a spiritual point. God is glorified by fruitfulness, and more so, by “much fruit”. It is not for us to cut off branches, hindering fruitfulness. Yet this is exactly what we do when we refuse to have children.
To the natural man, it is not spiritual to have children. On the contrary, to the spiritual man, having children is not only for natural fruitfulness, but it also increases spiritual influence. Why? Because every child born and raised in God's ways has the potential to be fruitful in the things of God. No one in their right mind would go around lopping off fruitful branches from trees. Why do we want to lop off fruit from our family trees?
Isaiah 61:1-11 foretells the anointing that will be upon the Messiah “to preach good tidings to the poor; to heal the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound, to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, to console those who mourn in Zion, to give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning.” Why? “That they may be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified.”
With the Messiah’s anointing, let us be co-laborers with Him to raise up family trees of righteousness who will accomplish all the purposes of Isaiah 61. Verse 9 says, “Their offspring will be known among the nations and their descendants in the midst of the people. All who see them will recognize them that they are the offspring whom the Lord has blessed.”
Along with natural Israel, as the new Israel of God in Christ Jesus, we can also claim family trees of righteousness through whom the Lord will be glorified. Be encouraged. You are ordained by God to raise trees of righteousness that will bless the nations.
Be encouraged. Colin
Man was made for sacred purposes; trees were not. Of all the myriad of creatures that God created it was only man that was given the sacred and priceless privilege to bear the likeness and image of God. This should never be underestimated. After creating the vegetation and trees, God said that “it was good” but it was the family tree that God blessed and gave the divine commandment to “Be fruitful and multiply.” This commandment has never been revoked and is as important today as in the beginning. Time has not changed this generational mandate.
It would be understandable, if after the fall in the Garden of Eden, God had decided to give up His original mandate to be fruitful, multiply and fill the earth with His likeness and image. But this was not the case. In Genesis 9:1-7 God repeats His first mandate, not once, but twice! Oh the mercy and grace of God toward His rebellious and sinful creation. Man still remains the only privileged creation to bear His likeness and image (God’s character and His ways of justice truth, love, joy, peace, and holiness and so on). The trees of the woods reveal His creative glory but they cannot reveal His nature and character.
In verse six of this same passage God says, “Whoso sheds man’s blood, by man shall his blood by shed.” Why would God say such a thing? He gives the answer in the same verse. “For in the image of God made he man.” It is obviously a serious crime to tamper with man because the divine purpose of man’s creation is to show forth the image of God. And yet, today, we frivolously contracept and abort the image of God in the earth. Every child, given the right opportunity, can be born again and filled with the Holy Spirit and in some way reveal to the world something of the likeness and image of God. Dare we stand in God’s way?
Be encouraged. Colin
One more post to come on this subject.
Here in Tennessee we live among beautiful hardwoods including oak, walnut, and hickories, etc. We are surrounded with logs and saw mills. Many of the hardwoods take years to mature yet the perpetuating of the forest continues. One wonders how the forests could possibly continue to yield such a vast amount of trees year after year, and yet, with God’s help they keep growing.
These forests are self-perpetuating generational forests. There are so many seeds in the ground and the top soil is continually enriched by the falling leaves. As soon as a tree is cut down and removed, dozens of little trees pop up through the soil to compete for its replacement. From the beginning God planned it this way. All those who make a living out of harvesting these forests would be devastated if our natural trees only yielded what our family trees currently yield. Isn’t it appalling that we are intent on saving our national forests but oblivious to the fact that our family trees are being destroyed?
I wonder why so-called Christian nations are antagonistic to God’s original mandate to be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth. God said, “Let the earth sprout vegetation, plants yielding seed and fruit trees on the earth bearing fruit after their kind with seed in them and it was so. And the earth brought forth vegetation, plants yielding seed after their kind and trees bearing fruit with seed in them, after their kind, and God saw that it was good” (Genesis 1:11-12 NASB). We whole-heartedly agree with our Almighty Creator that this creation of vegetation and trees was, and still is, very good. What would we do without them? How boring it would be to live in a treeless world. How unhealthy it would be for us to be without green vegetables or fruitful trees that provide us with all the life-sustaining enzymes and nutrients to live and perpetuate our own human family trees.
How can we have such a big disconnect between Genesis 1:11-12 and Genesis 1:26-28?
Be encouraged. Colin
In Gene3sis 1:11-12 we read how God created the vegetation on the earth, including all the many varieties of trees and "God saw that it was good."
Who would want to live in a treeless world? Just imagine no peach trees, no apple trees, no pear trees or any exotic fruit trees. We agree with God that it is good. But, we have a problem with family trees who have been created in the likeness and image of God. How is it that we agree with God about the fruitfulness of natural trees and yet have no revelation on the eternal worth of family trees? To me, that seems insane.
Family trees are fascinating. One could easily become absorbed in the history of our predecessors. A few years ago my wife and I visited CASTLE CAMPBELL in Scotland, originally owned by Colin Campbell, my namesake. I have always loved castles. Their grandeur, largeness, and strength intrigue me. I find myself contemplating the wealth, dignity, pride, and creativity that belonged to my ancestors of that era. I guess it must still be in the DNA.
Most of us do not have to look very far back into the history of our families to find that many of our forbears had large families compared to today’s 2.1 member families in the USA—the average is 1.3 in European countries. What with wars, vehicle fatalities, infertility, alternative life styles that produce no children, cancer, heart failures, and other diseases that cause death, the west is on the verge of self-destruction. We are told that within the next 40-50 years, much of Europe will cease to be the Europe we have known. It will instead be an Islamic Europe. Most of Europe is beyond the hope of reversing the huge demographic and cultural change that is already taking place.
USA, along with all western nations faces major cultural demographic challenges. We are fast becoming the oldest population in our history with insufficient young people to boost our economy. The youth we have are saddled with insurmountable national debt.
Jesus states in Luke 18:8, "Nevertheless when the Son of man comes, shall he find faith on the earth?" When it comes to creating family trees as mandated in Genesis 1:26-28 and Genesis 9:1-7, we have to ask, Where is our faith?"
Be encouraged. Colin
Every blessing that God gives to us is always for our own good, otherwise it would not be a blessing. The big question we must ask ourselves, and be honest about it, is why do we 21st century Christians accept gratefully from God all other blessings, and yet for whatever reasons, refuse the blessing of children God would bless us with if only we would receive them?
We have our excuses and reasons, but will any of them be left standing when the great search light of Gold's truth examines them? Most of our excuses for not receiving the blessings of children stem from a humanistic and worldly mindset, generated from the unregenerate wisdom of man who does not consider God's wisdom worth paying any attention to.
The small family syndrome appeals to the scripturally illiterate on this subject who generate fears of over-population and dwindling world natural resources. All these fears are propagated through the education system, media, and sad to say, now through the deceived church!
The devil laughs and heaven weeps as we modern day Christians seek to disregard, limit, and destroy future children through whatever means possible, i.e. contraception, sterilization, and abortion.
It is true that some evangelical churches stand up against abortion, but many churches and even individuals within evangelical church are now accepting abortion as an accepted way of life, or should we say, death.
Many Christians laugh the laugh of unbelief when the truth of embracing children is mentioned, but be assured, God is not laughing!
Be encouraged. Colin
Genesis 1:28 says, "And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth..." The first thing we notice is that fruitfulness and multiplication is directly connected to the first blessing God ever gave to man. This is important to note because it points to the significance of that blessing. All other blessings that man receives from God are subsequent to this first blessing.
We need to understand that fruitfulness and multiplication of God's likeness and image is indeed a high priority with God, to the point that He made it His No. 1 blessing (and very first blessing to man).
We 21st contrary Christians need to have our eyes opened to this truth because in these days, not only do we fail to see fruitfulness as a No. 1 blessing from God, but many see it as a No. 1 problem. God would not have made this His first original mandate if it was not a priority to Him. The truth is that whatever is a high priority to God should also be a high priority to us who profess to be His followers.
On this point, the mainstream 21st century church is pro-choice! Fruitfulness and multiplication of God's image is a take it or leave it attitude. We are not in sync with God.
Take note further. God is not blessing us primarily with the fruitfulness and multiplication of OUR IMAGE, although He lets us have the joys of family resemblance. God wants His likeness multiplied in the earth. So should we, for the world needs His image much more than it need ours.
Be encouraged. Colin
Before the fall in the Garden of Eden, it is possible that Adam and Eve had an open channel, unhindered by sin, to reveal the true likeness and image of God. I cannot help but imagine what a magnificent couple they must have been. I wonder whether there was some type of glory covering their bodies because after the fall they knew that they were naked and felt a desperate need to cover themselves.
The next reference to God's original mandate regarding His likeness and image is found in Genesis 9:1-7. Verse 6 says, "Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood by shed: for in the image of God made he man." One would think that following the fall, when the glory of God's image was lost to man (apart from redemption through the blood of Christ) that God would have given up on man ever regaining His likeness and image.
Capital punishment is introduced upon those who murder their fellow man because God had not given up on His likeness being restored to man. This passage of Scripture underlines that an attack on man resulting in death, is an attack upon the likeness and image of God which Satan seeks to destroy. God's image is sacred to God, and likewise should also be to us. This is why contraception, sterilization, and abortion are an attack on the likeness and image of God.
The Scriptures teach us that through Jesus Christ, the promised Messiah, who is called The Last Adam (1 Corinthians 15:45-49) that we are completely restored by virtue of our faith in His finished work at the cross. God even brings something greater out of what He restores than from what it was before the fall. Originally, Adam could not have known how to manifest God's likeness and image in mercy, forgiveness, grace, and reconciliation until he experienced it personally. Before the fall there was no opportunity for man to demonstrate mercy and forgiveness for there was no sin to forgive. How amazing is the grace of God.
Be encouraged. Colin
A true biblical father is a man who seeks to have a vision for God's original mandate. The original mandate was given by God to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden before the fall.
Genesis 1:26-28 says, "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness, and let them have dominion... So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion..."
The first thing we notice In this original mandate is that man was created for the express purpose of the manifestation of the likeness and image of God. It is important to note that God's likeness and image was not mentioned for the purpose of creating any other species in all the myriad of creations in heaven or in earth. This to me is amazing and it makes man's creation very special, and in a very real sense, sacred.
God, in His sovereignty, has honored and blessed mankind with the privilege of bearing and multiplying His likeness and image. This means that man in His creative potential is designed to reveal all of who God is--His love, His peace, His holiness, His mercy, His faithfulness, His power and the list is never ending. It is no wonder that the devil's mindset is to destroy man from the face of the earth for in doing so he potentially destroys God's likeness and image.
Be encouraged. Colin