Proverbs 10:21 says, “The lips of the righteous feed many.” I long for this to be my testimony, but in order to have feeding lips, I must first feed my soul. I want God’s Word to not only be in my heart but in my mouth, ready to feed whoever is around me. All mothers need feeding lips. Not only do we have hungry bodies to feed, but hungry souls and spirits too.

What a tragic thing to be faithful to feed our children’s bodies so they are robust and strong and yet they grow up with tiny starved souls and spirits. Our children’s “inner man” needs feeding as much or more than their “outer man.” I like to tell my children the statement I read of a great Chinese Christian who confessed, “No Bible; no breakfast!” He would never feed his physical body until he first fed his spirit.

Be a “lip feeder” today. Richly feed your children and those around you with wisdom and truth.

Love from Nancy

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How much laughter fills your home? I’m sure the children are always laughing, but what about you and your husband? Statistics say that children laugh up to 300– 400 times a day whereas most adults only laugh about 15 times a day. I wonder if some adults laugh that much!

I know that the stress of each day limits laughter, but is it because we are taking the stress on ourselves instead of walking in the strength and rest of the Lord?

The Bible is correct when it says in Proverbs 17:22, “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine.” I am sure that the more we laugh, the healthier we’ll be.

Laughter reduces stress, lowers blood pressure, boosts the immune system and releases endorphins. Laugh at your children. Laugh at the little things that happen. Laugh at yourself. Enjoy the life God has given you in your home.

Love from Nancy

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Did you know that God wants each new generation to learn how to fight? He left enemies in the land of Israel so that each new generation of Israelites could be taught the art of war (Judges 3:1-3).

While we are on this earth, we will always be in a battle. We are in a battle between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness, truth and deception and light and darkness. We must know how to fight these daily battles, but we must also teach our children how to fight the enemy. If we do not teach the strategies of warfare against the enemy, they will fall prey to his attacks.

We want to raise children who can fight the enemy and will still be standing after the fight! Read 2 Corinthians 10:4-5; Ephesians 6: 10-18 and 2 Timothy 2:3-4.

Love from Nancy

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“Ye are the children of the Lord your God” (Deuteronomy 14:1). What does that mean? I am a redeemed, blood bought child of the King of the universe. Not any king, but the King of kings. I am royalty. You are royalty. Therefore we should live like royalty. The Knox translation says, “Learn to carry yourselves as the children of the Lord your God.”

Do you speak like royalty--like a daughter of the King of kings? Do you walk like a daughter of royalty? Do you dress like a daughter of the King of kings? That means modestly, but also beautifully. You won’t see a princess in drab, dreary clothes. Do you live in every way like a daughter of the King?

Are you teaching your daughters to carry themselves as daughters of the King? Acknowledge who you are and live accordingly.

Love from Nancy

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I am sure I don’t have to remind you that mothering is hard work! It’s how it’s meant to be.

When God put Adam and even in the garden home, he gave them work to do—and that was before the fall of man. Don’t despise that your career takes work!

Work is a blessing. Work is therapeutic. Work releases creativity.

God told the first couple to “dress” the garden. The word in the Hebrew is avad and means to “work until weary, to be fatigued.”

God reiterates the same theme in the New Testament in 1 Timothy 5:10 where He tells us that feeding and raising children is a “good work.” The Greek word is ergon and means, “work that is not accomplished by a single act but by accumulated labor and continued work.” That sounds like daily mothering, doesn’t it?

Rejoice as you work. Sing while you work. You are in the perfect will of God.

Love from Nancy
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Above Rubies Address

Email Nancy

PO Box 681687
Franklin, TN 37068-1687

Phone : 931-729-9861
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