The Shabbat candles had been lit, the glasses of wine had been poured and two loaves of freshly baked Challah bread sat warmly under the Shabbat cloth in the center of the table. Then the cell phone began to buzz in the middle of the Shabbat prayer. We were seated around the table at the beginning of a lovely Shabbat meal of succulent lamb and roasted potatoes at the home of Colin and Nancy Campbell.

I quickly arose and searched through Cindy's purse to find the cell phone, turning it off while explaining that we set the alarm to remember to pray for our family every night.

Over the years we found that distance from our now grown children who live in other states, and the busyness of our daily schedules had allowed us to slip into overlooking a significant privilege that we are afforded as parents. Prayer. We would on occasion find ourselves in prayer for them and their families... but usually in response to a specific request.

One day a friend told us how he would set an alarm on his cell phone and that it reminded him to pray for his family at a designated time...every day!  We decided to try it.

Regardless of where we might travel or what other distractions arise along the way... the cell phone alarm is a faithful reminder of the tremendous power of designated, intentional prayer.  Whether we pray at that exact moment or after our dinner or engagement... it is a helpful alert.  The alarm first rings on Cindy's phone and then seconds later it rings on mine and we can enter in, whether we are together or separate, to a meaningful release of intercession and thanksgiving to God for our children.

As we began to act upon this opportunity we found that our hearts and minds recall the thoughts of the day that we had toward our loved ones.  It has been easy to cover a number of areas in prayer as well as focus on whatever they are going through in a season of time.

We often find ourselves praying for God's presence to draw them to Himself, that our children and their children would be full of a desire for truth and God's love, that God's protection and provision will overshadow them.

Of course, there is no need to limit prayer to the immediate children. We have found that as we get started we also pray for our parents, siblings, nephews and nieces and others.

To have this divine interruption during the day has helped us become committed and more consistent in calling on God for His grace during these times of upheaval and transition.

May we encourage you to take advantage of a simple tool?  If you don't know how to set your cell phone alarm...your service provider will assist you.  Believe me, it is worth the effort and will enhance your passion for this discipline.

Nashville, Tennessee, USA
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Our Prayer Tree

Our family has a construction paper Prayer Tree in our hallway.  Amongst the branches we put up cutout shapes with a prayer request written on it.

When a request/need is answered (not always the answer WE wanted) we date it and move the shape to the base of the tree—like fallen ripe fruit. At a glance we can see the needs at the top and the answered prayers at the bottom.

At Thanksgiving time, we remove all of the fallen shapes that have been answered and remember how the Lord has been faithful to our needs over the past year. We keep these cut-outs in envelopes as reminders of our needs and God’s provisions.  We often exclaim, “Oh, yeah, I forgot about that need!” We see the date on it and know that it was truly answered.

Erringtion, British Columbia, Canada


I have always pursued my own interests—retreat committees, Mary Kay, women’s Bible studies, etc.  My whole ministry was reaching out to women.  Then one incredible day the Lord showed me that I was so busy helping the unsaved and Christian women grow in their walk with the Lord that I had almost lost the most crucial plan God had for me.  What was His original intent for me?  To help my husband!  He showed me that the number one way to reach the lost was to build my home and family to be a light—a beacon, shining the light of the gospel to all around.  Yes, it starts at home.

A few months ago my husband was at work struggling with some areas on his heart.  I was at home feeling burdened and sat down to pray for my friends.  After going through each one, I finally came to Marty, my husband.  The more I prayed for my husband the more my burden lifted. Needless to say, I spent a very long time on my face that night praying.

The next night, as I prepared for bed, I once again felt a heavy burden.  I immediately began praying, starting with my normal routine of all my girlfriends.  Finally, once more I came to my husband. I prayed and prayed for him that night. I prayed all that I humanly knew to pray and still the burden would not leave. Not knowing what else to do, I simply sat still before God and waited. He led me to pray for my husband in ways that I did not understand. I interceded for Marty.

This had never happened to me before and I didn’t say a word to my husband.  For two weeks, God kept me up late every night praying.  One day Marty came to me and humbly said that God was doing something in his heart, something that he had never known before.  He related that it hurt but he knew it was for God’s glory.  Then he asked, “By the way, you wouldn’t happen to be praying for me, would you?”  I smiled calmly.  “Yes,” I answered but said no more.

I was so overwhelmed that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob heard little Jackie Tadlock praying. I am married to a totally different man. It is still Marty, yet different.  God has been working. Of course the greatest work has been done, not so much in my husband’s heart, but in mine.  My husband touches more lives now than I have ever seen, but mostly he touches mine.

I think I am catching a tiny glimpse of the vision God has for me. It is to help my husband and to intercede for him. It is to be open to the King so He can show me how to pray and to turn my heart to the Lord so He can fulfill in me His heart’s desires for our home.

Leaburg, Oregon, USA



secret of praying is to prayThe secret of praying is to PRAY!

We go to seminars on How to Pray and yet still do not pray. We read books on How to Pray and yet still do not pray. I believe that there is only one way to learn how to pray and that is to PRAY. We must open our mouth and speak to God.

It is sad to find believers who are reticent about praying. They don’t open their mouths in a prayer meeting. Many don’t even want to come to a prayer meeting. What is wrong? We should be known as the people who “call upon the Lord.” Praying should be second nature to the believer.

Pray out Loud!

Don’t just pray in your mind in your prayer time. There will be times when you will do this because prayer should be a habitual part of our lives. But when you have your specific times of prayer, pray out loud. Get used to hearing your own voice in prayer. It can be strange when you first start but it is the way to get used to praying.

I have always prayed out loud in my personal times of prayer and found it a great blessing.  Firstly, if I pray out loud, I know when I stop praying! And that can often happen. When you pray in your mind it is easy to go into dreamland and soon forget what you are praying about. When you start to do this when praying out loud, you come back to prayer with a jolt when suddenly there is silence! It also keeps your mind on what you are doing. It also gets you used to praying out loud in corporate prayer meetings.

Teach your Children to Pray out Loud!

Teach your children to pray out loud so they get used to praying. Praying should be normal to them. Encourage them to pray out loud in their personal praying. Encourage them to pray out loud at Family Devotions.

When the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray, He didn’t go into a great discourse on how to pray. Instead, He prayed a prayer. He showed them how to pray by praying. We learn to pray by praying. Your children learn to pray by praying.

I am frustrated when I go to a prayer meeting and have to listen to a long message. I thought we had come to pray! Why don’t we get stuck in and pray? The need is so great. The nation is in peril. Our only hope is to call upon the Lord. Let’s do it.

We all know 2 Chronicles 7:14, “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and hear another sermon…” Ooops! Did I get it wrong? Sorry. But isn’t that what we do? We come together for another sermon. Prayer is the last thing on our minds! But God won’t save our nation by another sermon. He will save our nation when we pray.

Let’s get it right, “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”

Pray out Loud at Church!

My husband was convicted about this Scripture. Therefore, we no longer have church as usual. We don’t have a prayer meeting before the service where about three or four people turn up. We pray when we come together as a body. We spend, sometimes up to an hour, praying together as believers before we open the Word of God. Guess who is first to pray. The moment my husband says, “It’s time to pray,” the children run to the front. They get in line to pray for our nation and the different nations of the world. They are learning to be intercessors as they are given opportunity to pray.

Fellow believers, let’s get praying.

Pray individually.

Pray together as husband and wife. Faithfully pray together each day for each of your children and their needs.

Pray together as a family. Encourage all the children to pray.

Get involved in a prayer meeting where people love to pray. Or start one in your home. Gather neighbors, friends or whoever you can together and incorporate your whole family. Pray for the nation. Pray for Israel. Pray for the nations of the world. Pray as God leads you.

For the last ten years we have prayed faithfully every week with folks who live around us here in the Tennessee woods—people from different denominations who normally would not see eye-to-eye. But we don’t come together to discuss doctrine. We come together to pray. Consequently, God has drawn our hearts together in love and unity.

Now you know the secret! You don’t need to read any more books or hear any more sermons on prayer. Just start praying—and remember to pray out loud.

Start today.



How To Pray For Your Husband


That he might become a holy man, a man of prayer, mature in the Lord and growing in his knowledge of God.  (Ephesians 1:18-19; 3:16-19; Colossians 4:12; 1 Thessalonians 5:23)

That he might daily seek God with all his heart, walking in the Spirit moment by moment, growing in dependence on Him.  (Psalm. 27:4; 119:1-2; Proverbs 3:5-6; John 15:5)


That he might learn to take every thought captive and not be conformed to the world’s thinking.  (Romans 12: 2; Corinthians 10:5)

That he would learn to not depend on his circumstances for happiness but on God alone.  (Habakkuk 3:17-19)


That the Lord will infuse him with His strength in the midst of his busy schedule. (Isaiah 40:31; Ephesians. 3:14-19).

That his self image might be a reflection of the Lord’s thoughts toward him.  (Psalm 139:17-18; Romans 12:3; Ephesians 1:17-19)


That the Lord would give him wisdom to lead his family—physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. (Ephesians. 1:17-19; James 1:5-7).

That the Lord would raise him up to be a true priest and a faithful provider and protector of his home and family. (Isaiah 58:7; 1Timothy 5:8).


That he might become a called man, not driven, with well thought-through and prayed-through goals in life. (1 Corinthians 9:24-27).

That he might stand firm against the schemes of the devil and resist Satan in all circumstances and not be deceived into unbelief or sin.  (Galatians 6:7; Ephesians 6:10-18; James 4:7).


That the fruit of the Spirit would be exhibited more and more in his life.  (Galatians 5:22-23).

That he might learn to love as God has commanded.  (Romans 12:3, 1 Corinthians 13:4-7)


That the Lord would protect him, guarding his course.  (Proverbs 2:8)

That he might learn to manage his time well. (Ephesians 5:15).

Source Unknown.


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Email Nancy

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