Family Life | Who Are We Depriving?
When we decide we do not want any more children (I'm not talking about those who long for children but currently are unable to conceive, or precious mothers who are painfully miscarrying), who are we depriving? I believe...
We deprive ourselves. There is truly no greater gift we can receive than a little bundle of cuddles and love. We could never give up any of the precious children God has given to us, could we?
We deprive our children. The greatest gift we can give our children is another sibling, a friend for life. The more children in the home, the more fun, fellowship, and friendship. There were only three children in our family and I felt deprived, especially as we grew up and lived in different countries and didn't see one another for many years.
We deprive our grandparents. Older people are meant to be distinguished by their grandchildren. And yet many today have no grandchildren, or only one or two.
We deprive society. Children who are raised in the ways of God have the opportunity to bless society and to bring God's love, light, and truth to a hurting world.
We deprive generations to come. Every child we refuse to have is not only one child, but a whole dynasty that is lost forever.
We deprive the church. Every pastor wants to increase his church. Of course, we long for new converts to fill our churches, but the greatest way to grow churches is with godly families. A church filled with growing families is an exciting church.
We deprive eternity. Every child who is conceived is an eternal soul that will live forever. God wants to fill eternity with redeemed children.
We deprive God Himself. God looks for godly offspring to come from every marriage union (Malachi 2:15). He has plans for every child He has destined to come into this world.
Nancy Campbell