Talking together about motherhood with a few women recently, one lovely
mother said, "Oh it's so hard. It's such a sacrifice!" Immediately, my
daughter, Evangeline replied, "What are you sacrificing?"
When we confess that motherhood is a sacrifice, we are saying that there
is something better that we could be doing and we had to give it up for
the sake of motherhood! That is a lie.
Motherhood is the highest calling God has given to us. It is our LIFE. It
may be challenging, but any worthwhile career is challenging.
This dear mother is committed to motherhood and when she was confronted
with what she said, she immediately recanted her words. It's just that we
are programmed by society to think that it is a sacrifice.
We need our minds renewed to God's way of thinking, to think truth instead
of deception.
Love from Nancy