IT’S TIME FOR CHANGE Part 3, No. 539

Part 3

“And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness,
but rather REPROVE them”
(Ephesians 5:11).

Timechange3Why do many mothers feel depressed after having a baby? I continue sharing the last three reasons.


Liberal teachers and professors teach the students of this generation to despise motherhood. They direct them toward alternative lifestyles and that to murder the unborn babe is accepted behavior. Many states even sanction murdering the baby after it is born! They are leading them down a path of destruction. To get back to normality their brains must be reprogrammed again in God’s infallible truth.


Rather than not have enough income, many young mothers entering motherhood may already be receiving a big paycheck. They are used to their own independent financial security. They are not mentally prepared to rely on their husband, to learn to economize, make ends meet, and be “content with such things they have” (Hebrews 13:5, 6). They expect to go into a home with all the things their parents have taken years to accumulate.

Young people have not been taught to start little and gradually build their lives together. They want it all at once. They haven’t learned to do without, to sacrifice, to cook from scratch, plant a garden, and start with a tiny house. They don’t need a huge home when they first begin their marriage. That comes with time as the Lord adds more blessings to their family.


Another reason many young mothers feel depressed is because they are isolated. They don’t know many other mothers living around them. Their own mother is often working and not available. Or, even if she is, it is so long since she had babies that the is not confident herself. They were brought up pin the two-child family syndrome and there are no younger sisters or brothers to be willing babysitters and help with the baby.

Why do we have this scenario? Because mothering is not accepted as an important career in our society. I believe that when motherhood becomes the norm in society that depression will disappear (except for the genuine clinical PPD).

Mothers need one another. It is fun to have babies when family members, friends, and neighbors have babies at the same time. This is how God intends it to be. We are not meant to live isolated lives. God created us to want fellowship and company. That’s why the current mask wearing and social distancing is causing havoc. More suicides than ever. It is not the way God intended mankind to live!

When I was raising our children, I always had a Ladies’ Bible Study in my home. Every week, mothers, babies, and children filled my home. The children broke things and messed up my home, but we had great fellowship together. It was what kept us going through the difficult times. We could laugh and cry together.

I would encourage every young mother to find an encouraging Ladies’ Bible Study group where she can learn more about motherhood and find strength from being with other mothers. Make sure you find a group that encourages biblical mothering and not the opposite which is counter-productive!

Go to: and order the manual, THE POWER OF MOTHERHOOD. Every mother in the world needs this manual which takes you into the Bible to see what God says about you as a mother. It is a great manual to use at Ladies’ Bible Study Groups to share and discuss together.

Many blessings from NANCY CAMPBELL *


“Dear Father, I thank You that You created me to be a mother. I embrace it with all my heart. Please help me to not only rejoice in this great career You have given to me, but to encourage every other mother I know. Help me to always be a proclaimer of You ways. Amen.”


I am lifting up the status of motherhood wherever I go!


Painting by Sharon Forbes


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