By Nancy Campbell on Thursday, 10 January 2019
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


You would think it would be a holy task to be a priest, wouldn't you? Would you like to know some of their holy tasks? They had to take charge of the utensils, counting them when they were brought in and out . . . look after the furniture in the Holy Place . . . . oversee the flour, wine and oil. . . mix the spices . . . bake bread every week . . . and take responsibility over the things baked in pans" (1 Chronicles 9:28-32).

Such menial tasks! And yet the Levites and priests were "set apart" by God for these appointed tasks.

Dear mother, do you sometimes think that many of your tasks are menial? No, nothing you do in your home is unimportant in God’s eyes. Every task, whether big or small, is a sacred task. Your home is a sanctuary and therefore everything you do it in it is a holy task.

Your mothering is a sacred task. An eternal calling. A powerful work. Like the Levites and priests of old, you have been set apart by God for this ministry in your home. It is a high calling to take charge of your kitchen, cook meals, bake bread, and care for your family.

It is hallowed work, especially when you do it unto the Lord!

Enjoy a wonderful day in your home today,

Nancy Campbell