By Nancy Campbell on Thursday, 19 September 2019
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Mother, you may like to share this poem with your growing up sons or you may like to pin it up in their room or the bathroom.

Young man of God, will you guard your eyes
And keep them only for your greatest prize?
The wife God planned for you from the beginning,
She’ll be enough to keep your head a-spinning!
Don’t waste your emotions looking at other girls,
No matter how special or gorgeous their curls,
Instead, keep your eyes fixed on the Lord.
Follow His leading and you’ll never be flawed.

Young man of might, will you guard your heart?
Don’t give your feelings to any up-start,
Keep your heart disciplined and wait for the time
When God gives you His choice; it will be sublime!
A daughter of virtue who has kept herself pure,
Who follows after truth and trusts God for sure,
One who loves children and keeping the home,
And who delights to serve without a moan.

Young man of valor, will you keep your body pure
For your wedding day when it’s bliss for sure?
Will you start your marriage on a holy foundation?
For this is the way to strengthen the nation
And establish a family that will endure any test!
For God will be with you and you will be blessed,
Even in the storms, the wind, and the battles of life
If you keep the covenant with your lovely wife.

~ Nancy Campbell