NotBeShakenThere are times when you face unseen things in your life that can shake you to the very core. This is when you must remember the truth that God is with you at that very moment. He has not left you. He is at your right hand to succor you, comfort you, strengthen you, and hold you up.

Let’s read David’s confession. He says in Psalm 16:8: “I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.”

Do you notice that David sets the Lord before his face CONTINUALLY? It’s most interesting that the Hebrew word “set” is “shavah” and means “to equalize.” In other words, he didn’t change with circumstances. In every situation, good or bad, he set the Lord in front of him.

Dearest ladies, in your times of trouble, anguish, and desperation, keep your eyes upon the Lord. This is when you need Him most, and you can know for sure that He will never abandon you. He is at your right hand! Oh, what more do you need? He knows far better than you what to do.

When you agonize over your trial, you sink into the pit. When you keep the Lord before you face, you KNOW He with you, even though you may not feel Him. He is far bigger than your problem. He will carry you through.

I am challenged by the words of Robert Cawdray, who writes about this equalizing.
“Whether he abound in wealth or be pinched with poverty,
whether he be of high or low degree in this world, ought continually to have his faith and hope surely built and grounded upon Christ, and to have his heart and mind fast fixed and settled in him,
and to follow him through thick and thin,
through fire and water,
through wars and peace,
through hunger and cold,
through friends and foes,
through a thousand perils and dangers,
through the surges and waves of envy, malice, hatred, evil speeches, railing sentences, contempt of the world, flesh, and devil, and even in death itself,
be it never so bitter, cruel, and tyrannical,
yet never to lose sight and view of Christ,
never to give over faith, hope, and trust in Him.”

When we have this tenacity to keep trusting, even when it is the hardest thing to do, we will prove His righthand power and anointing with us.

And best of all, we will not be shaken. That’s right, dear mother. YOU WILL NOT BE SHAKEN! You will not be moved from your faith in Christ. You will not be moved to desperation. Even in your heartache you will not fall to pieces because God is holding you. You know He sees the bigger picture. You know that He is undertaking for you.

Please be encouraged and uplifted today. In Jesus’ name, Amen.