By Nancy Campbell on Friday, 08 March 2019
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


A man who was lame from birth sat at the temple gate to beg. When he saw Peter and John going into the temple for the 3.00 p.m. prayer meeting, he asked for money. Peter answered, “Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk” (Acts 3:6).

I often think that “when I have more money” I will be able to help certain ministries and do greater things for God. But the early disciples didn’t have silver and gold and they turned the world upside down! They gave what they had—the life-giving power of God residing in them through the infilling of the Holy Spirit.

Let’s forget about what we don’t have and give what we do have—the power of God dwelling in us to bless those around us. Give love and joyful service to your husband. Give to your children—hugs, kisses, encouraging words, godly teaching, and a home atmosphere that’s filled with God’s love, joy, and peace.

It’s good to remember that we don’t always have to give our children monetary things. It’s not things that they’ll remember, but the love and happiness in our homes.

Don’t allow your children to get into the habit of expecting to get something every time you go to the shops. Your children won’t be deprived if you can’t take them to all the entertainment that requires money! And there are loads of wonderful adventures and outdoor things you can take your children to that don’t require finance. And you can make it far more exciting and creative.

Of course, if you have the money, you can bless them in this way too. But it’s not necessary. Pour out your life for your family and for those who are needy around you. If you don’t have money to bless others, you can certainly do it in so many other ways.

Be a giver of your life, your smiles, your joy, your prayers, your time, and your practical love.

Be encouraged today,

Nancy Campbell