By Nancy Campbell on Tuesday, 30 December 2014
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Recently the Billy Graham Association published some astounding statistics:

Apparently 7 million people google for answers about loneliness.
22 million Americans ages 12 and older abuse or are addicted to drugs and alcohol.
21 million Americans struggle with depression.
30,000 commit suicide each year.
An estimated 40 million people in the US are trapped or crippled by fear.

This is not the plan God intended for mankind. The devil delights in it for he is the one who comes to "steal, kill, and destroy" (John 10:10). He seeks to rob us of God's plan which is family. God's plan is for every person to live in a loving, stable, God-fearing family.

With so much unfaithfulness in marriage, so many single mothers, so many living on their own, more and more people choosing alternative life styles, and so many choosing their own way instead of God's way, we are reaping the devastating havoc in society.

The greatest need of this nation is strong, healthy, intact families. The greatest thing you can do as a mother is to strengthen your own family. Build your family life. Don't get involved in too many things outside your home. You will become flustered, frazzled, and the family will become fragmented. Instead, think of ideas to gather the family together. Think of things to do that will strengthen your family. Daily gather around your family meal table for your meals.

As you strengthen and build up your family, also seek to encourage and bless other families.

Let's be an answer to this nation's greatest need.

Blessings from Nancy Campbell