By Nancy Campbell on Tuesday, 17 September 2013
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


I know there are many days when you feel overwhelmed with all you have to accomplish in your great career of mothering and homemaking. Sometimes it's more than you can keep up with. Or maybe you are going through a difficult time. I want you to know that you are not forgotten. God KNOWS exactly what you are facing and He is with you to help, guide, and comfort you.

When David was hiding from Saul he cried out, "When my spirit was overwhelmed within me, then thou
KNEWEST my path" (Psalm 142:3). The Hebrew word is "yada" which is an intimate knowing. God knows the path you are going through right now and it is all for your good. You are not forgotten to Him. As you look to Him rather than your difficulties, you will experience His KNOWING and His presence carrying you through.

Love from Nancy Campbell