By Nancy Campbell on Thursday, 08 August 2019
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


One of the beautiful and tender names of God is Jehovah-Ra'ah, the Lord my Shepherd, the One who bends down to tend our needs (Psalm 113:5-9), protects us, and gathers us up in His arms (Isaiah 40:11). This name of God speaks of the intimate relationship we can experience with Him, for the word "shepherd" also means "to be a friend, a companion, to keep company with."

A Bedouin shepherd in Israel testified that even if he were blindfolded, he would know each one of his sheep by feeling their faces. Our Shepherd wants to have an intimate and tender relationship with us. The psalmist calls God, "MY Shepherd," and repeatedly the Great Shepherd of the sheep calls us "MY flock." It’s meant to be reciprocal.

As a shepherdess, we teach our children that Jesus wants to be their personal Savior and Shepherd. We are careful not to do anything in our homes that will grieve our Shepherd who wants to be intimately involved in everything we do.

Our Shepherd has a great shepherding heart and He wants us to shepherd our little flock in the same way He shepherds His flock. Shepherding is an enormous undertaking and from the Scriptures and the Hebrew meanings of the word "shepherd" we find that it includes the following tender and powerful ministries. You will see that a shepherd must be both brave and tender. Let God teach you as you read them. The full meaning of shepherding means . . .

befriending with an intimate relationship,
binding and bandaging up the hurt and broken,
bravely fighting off all enemies,
bringing back the straying and wandering ones,
carrying the lambs close to your heart,
encouraging the weary,
eliminating fear in the dark and anxious times,
feeding physically and spiritually,
gathering in your arms and to your heart,
gently leading,
guarding and watching over your flock,
guiding your flock on the "right track,"
healing the sickly,
increasing the flock,
keeping them safe,
leading to good, fat, restful, rich, and green pastures,
persevering until you find the lost,
preparing a table,
rescuing when they turn to by-paths,
restoring (renewing, reviving, and refreshing),
ruling with wisdom and discretion,
sacrificing and laying down your life for your flock,
saving your flock,
searching and seeking the lost ones,
strengthening the weak, and
tenderly folding your flock.

My, what an amazing mission you have as a shepherdess.

Embrace this beautiful role. It is not insignificant. I would suggest you read the above qualities over and over. It’s too much to comprehend in one reading, isn’t it?

Love from Nancy Campbell

Painting: Luigi Chialiva (1842-1914). A Shepherdess Watering Her Flock.