By Nancy Campbell on Thursday, 28 February 2019
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


What can we Do? Dear ladies, we can trust our God. He is always faithful. Never failing. No matter what circumstance you are going through in your life right now, you can trust Him.

We can answer Yes to all the following statements:

Because my God is Omnificent (all-creating), the One who created the world and every intricate part of my body, can I not trust Him with every aspect of my physical body?

Because my God is Omnipotent (all-powerful), can I not trust Him to sovereignly rule my life rather than putting my trust in mere man?

Because my God is Omniscient (all-wise and all-knowing), can I not trust Him to teach me and lead me in His paths?

Because my God is Omnipresent (all-present God), can I not trust Him to be with me in my home and in all situations?

Because my God is Omnibenevolent (all-good and all-loving), can I not trust Him, knowing that even when I am going through difficult times, and everything looks impossible that He is working it out for good?

Yes, we can!

Blessings from Nancy Campbell