By Nancy Campbell on Thursday, 18 June 2020
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


After 40 years of wandering in the wilderness the children of Israel were ready to go into the Promised Land. Moses told the people that he would not be going with them, but Joshua would lead them in. And then he said: “ENCOURAGE him; for he shall cause Israel to inherit it” (Deuteronomy 1:38).

We need to encourage those who lead us.
President Trump needs our encouragement, and of course, mostly our prayers. Daily he receives more antagonism and hatred than any president in history.
Our pastors need our encouragement.
Those who are sacrificing and pouring out their lives in different ministries need our encouragement.
And of course, mothers need encouragement!

Yes, you need encouragement. We all do, don’t we? The word “encourage” in the Hebrew here is “chazaq” and means “to bind fast, hold fast, to strengthen, to support, to make firm, to be strong, courageous, valiant, helpful, and to conquer.”

Dear wife and mother, God has called you to a powerful career. It is God-mandated. God-commissioned. God-designed. And God-planned. You are not wasting your life away as you nurture your children in your home. You are in the very perfect will of God.

You are influencing a nation. You are influencing future generations. As you train and teach your children in God’s Word and His ways you are determining the destiny of this nation. Our nation will only be what comes forth from the homes of this generation.

Therefore I encourage you today to hold fast to your divine calling. Don’t be intimidated by your antagonists. Don’t be pulled into the deceptions of our humanist society. Stand fast to truth even when everyone else is going a different way. Romans 3:4 says: “Let God be true, but every man a liar.”

I encourage you to be strong, courageous, and valiant. That’s the meaning in Proverbs 31:10: “Who can find a virtuous woman, for her price is far above rubies.” The word “virtuous” is “chayil” and means “valiant and strong.” It is used of “mighty men of valor.” It is a word that belongs to battles and war.

We are in a battle, dear mothers, a battle for the souls and lives of our children. The devil wants them even though God has called them from the womb. We must stand strong against his wiles and deceits. We have no time to be wimpy. We must be mothers of prayer and courage and strength. We will not give into deception. We will not allow the enemy to step his foot in the door of our homes.

I encourage you to conquer. We often face difficulties, challenges, and mountains bigger than us. We can’t conquer in our own strength, but we have the Spirit of the living God dwelling in us. We have His truth (His Word) in our hearts and in our mouths. When battles rage against us, we plead the blood of Jesus and we lift up the powerful name of Jesus and we take our stand. We will not move an inch from the truth. We will not cower to the devices of the enemy. In Christ we are “more than conquerors” (Romans 8:37).

And best of all, no matter what battles you face, God is with you. Moses personally encouraged Joshua with these words: “Be strong and of a good courage . . . And the LORD, he it is that doth go before thee; HE WILL BE WITH THEE, he will not fail thee, neither forsake thee: fear not, neither be dismayed” (Deuteronomy 31:7, 8, 23).

God will never forsake you, no matter what difficulties, challenges, or battles you face.

Blessings and encouragement to you today from Nancy Campbell
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