By Nancy Campbell on Friday, 12 June 2015
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Where should we fight our battles? Preferably at the gate--before they come into the home! This is why we are gatekeepers. When the enemy comes to our gates, we contend with him there. We resist him and send him bouncing.

Isaiah 28:6 (ESV) says that the LORD of hosts gives "strength to those who turn back the battle at the gate." Dear mothers, seek to turn back your battles at the gate. Don't let them come into your home!

I love Proverbs 14:19 which says: "The evil bow before the good; and the wicked at the gates of the righteous." Let's keep up the standard of righteousness in our own lives and in our homes. This Scripture tells us that when evil seeks to enter our homes, it comes to a screeching halt at the gates of the righteous! Evil and deception cannot get any further than the gates, because we are guarding and holing up the standard of righteousness! The Amplified Version says "at the gates of the UNCOMPROMISINGLY righteous."

We read the same theme in Psalm 127 were God describes the blessed family who raises a quiver full of arrows and trains them to contend and speak with their enemies in the gates. Not only do we push back the enemy at the gates, but we train our children to do the same!

Be encouraged today.

Nancy Campbell