By Nancy Campbell on Monday, 18 February 2013
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


I have been thinking lately of how easily we succumb to society around us. How easily we give in to what is put upon us without really thinking about it. We are told to immunize our children, so that's what we do. Everywhere we go we read posters reminding us to get the flu shot NOW! So off we go and do it. But, do we ever check out the implications first?

It is the same with education. Why is that some self-proclaimed educators decide what subjects, what textbooks, and what is written in the textbooks be the criteria for all the children of our nation to learn? Someone who we don't even know dictates the education of our children's brains! And we all say, Yes Sir!  How narrow and inhibiting.

And although homeschooling parents do not use the same humanistic textbooks as public schools, they are often still victims. They think their children must learn what everyone else is learning. They subject their children to making sure they finish every curriculum they purchase, whether it relates to the child or not. Children don't remember a thing they are not interested in.

Can you imagine what could happen if we thoroughly taught our children how to read well, write well, speak well and do basic math--and after that, let them go for it?

Every child is unique. Every child has some genius in him. And the world of knowledge is at his feet to explore. God is the one who teaches man knowledge (Psalm 94:10) and He intends the gifts He has divinely put in our children to make room fort them in life (Proverbs 18:16). Can you imagine children being able to research, investigate, dream, and think about the things that God has put in their mind and heart? We would produce geniuses, which God intends, but which the enemy does not want and curbs through our controlling and humanistic education.

Our children would never lose the wonder for learning which is one of the greatest joys of life. There is nothing more joyous to the soul to discover something new and learn more of what God is putting on your heart. This is God's gift to all our children.

Let's get out of the box and excited about the wonder of learning.

Love from Nancy