By Nancy Campbell on Tuesday, 10 March 2020
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Who or what gets the most attention in your home?

Our God is the MOST HIGH GOD. But do we really put Him in this position of who He is? Sometimes He is so low on our agenda. He receives such little time in our homes. How many minutes of the day do we give to Him? Did I say “minutes”? Shouldn’t we give Him so much more than a few minutes?

The youth of our current age (and adults too) are besotted with the fascination of media and technology. Wherever you look, people sit behind a laptop or their eyes are glued to their iPhone or iPad. Even mothers are constantly checking their iPhones. We give so much time to these things but God, the One who gave us life is left out.

I think these gadgets also take away our wonder and awe of our MOST HIGH GOD? Psalm 47:2 says: “The LORD MOST HIGH is terrible; he is a great King over all the earth.” He is Potentate, Ruler, Sovereign and the Supreme Being of the universe. He should capture our attention and the amazement and awe of our children.

Do you think we could give Him more time each day? Shouldn’t He rule in every decision and situation? Do we function as a family with the awareness that He is Ruler over all?

Many “Christian” families don’t even have time to sit together around the table and end the meal with Bible reading and prayer. They don’t have time to feed their souls and spirits. They don’t have time in their busy schedule for the MOST HIGH GOD.

The bible pattern is to meet with God every morning and every evening. This should be our family habit. If we don’t make time for this, we show by our actions that God is low on our list. Are the things that make us so busy more important than Him?

May God save us from acknowledging Him with our lips and yet our hearts are far from Him. We show where our heats are by the time we give Him each day.

Isaiah 29;13 (NLT): “These people say they are mine. They honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.” (Repeated in Matthew 15:8, 9 and Mark 7:6, 7).

Be encouraged today,

Nancy Campbell