By Nancy Campbell on Monday, 01 June 2020
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


If we truly know God is holy, we will walk in the fear of God. We will fear to displease Him and sin against Him. It surprises me when people who say they are Christians commit sin without conscience. They watch movies with fornication and adultery and think nothing of it. I know several couples who confess Christ as their Savior and yet live together without being married. Is their conscience hardened, or do they not understand what sin is?

We live in a culture where sin is tolerated. Even if the Bible states that it is sin, or even an abomination, we are still expected to tolerate it. Obviously, this generation does not know the Bible. They don’t know what God says. They don’t know that He is a holy God. And they don’t know that “Without holiness, no man shall see the Lord” (Hebrews 12:14).

If we do not walk in reverential fear of our Holy God, we do not know the God of the Bible. God does not tolerate sin. Yes, He has patience toward the sinner as He waits for them to come to repentance. Yes, He forgives and cleanses sin. No sin is too great for Him to pardon. But because He is holy, he has no fellowship with sin. If we believe in a God who tolerates sin, it is a god of our own imagination.

However, as with everything, it starts in the home. We as parents have a responsibility to show what sin is to our children. If we tolerate sin in our children and allow them to get away with disobedience, deceit, rebellion, lying, and so on, we could be keeping them from salvation and the promise of eternal life with God forever. Unless they are convicted of sin, they will not realize their need of a Savior. The understanding of sin comes first!

Let’s raise our children to understand the true nature of God—that He is a HOLY God who hates sin. That why He sent His Beloved Son to die and shed His blood to save us from our sin. Let’s lead our children in the way of holiness. Isaiah 35:8 says: “And a highway shall be there, and a way, and it shall be called THE WAY OF HOLINESS; the unclean shall not pass over it.”

On which road are you leading your children? The way of holiness? Or the worldly way?

Be blessed today,

Nancy Campbell