By Nancy Campbell on Tuesday, 19 January 2021
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Dear precious ladies, we don’t stop mothering when our children leave the nest. We increase in mothering. It won’t be long, and grandchildren will come. These years go quickly and then another generation begins.

Life as a mother is meant to enlarge, broaden, and unfold more and more into the fulfillment of God’s plan for families. We keep on mothering. Plus we have a new responsibility to encourage and teach the new generation of young mothers.
How do the new generation of mothers know what to do unless the older generation teaches them? It is sad that in many homes today young women grow up not knowing how to cook or run a home. Many of them are unfamiliar with babies. If there were only two children in the family, they haven’t experienced babies around them as they grew up. They are unprepared for mothering and homemaking.
This is not how God intends it to be. He has COMMANDED the older women to teach the young women HOW to love their husbands, HOW to love their children, and HOW to be keepers at home, etc. Read it all in Titus 2:3-5 (JBP). It’s not enough to teach them. They must show them how.
Can I ask: How can they show them how if they are no longer interested in mothering? I believe that we as older mothers should continue to seek God for His plan for us as women. I continually cry out to God to show me His ways for us as women and I am amazed that after all these years God continues to show me more and more of His beautiful plan for wives and mothers in His Word. Sadly, most older women do not even know God’s ways to pass them on to the younger generation.
To teach the new generation, we as older women must continue in the anointing of motherhood. Continuing to mother. Overflowing in it. Immersing ourselves in it. And seeking to faithfully and continually teach it to the new generation of mothers.
The Titus 2 passage ends with very strong words. It tells us that if the older women are not faithful to teach the younger women the truths of wifehood, motherhood, and homemaking that the Word of God will be BLASPHEMED! Wow, that’s a strong word. I’m glad the Bible said it and not me or you’d be wanting to throw rocks at me!
Why does God use such a strong word? I believe it is because if mothers do not embrace their role of mothering and the beautiful place of the home God has provided for them to raise their children, they show an opposite picture of God’s ultimate plan. And this is blasphemy to God.
Blessings to you today,
Nancy Campbell
P.S. Older mothers, let’s keep getting Above Rubies and pass it out to the younger generation of mothers. Let’s pass it on to our daughters and daughters-in-law. Let’s keep getting the message out. Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you need extra copies of the Above Rubies magazine, the most wonderful magazines to encourage marriage and motherhood.