By Nancy Campbell on Friday, 23 October 2015
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Every marriage tells a story. What story does my marriage tell? What does yours? We first tell the story to our children for they perceive marriage as they look at us. Is it a sweet, loving story? Does it make them excited to be married? Do we show them a picture of the relationship of Christ and His church?

Is it a story of constancy that makes them feel secure? Do we tell them a story of God’s ways, showing them clearly the different roles God gives to husband and wife, father and mother? Do they see us functioning joyfully in our particular role? Hopefully they don’t see a blur, or our taking our husband’s role.

We also tell a story to everyone around us, either positively or negatively. Let’s show our children and the world a beautiful story of God’s plan for enduring marriage. Amen.

Love from Nancy Campbell