By Nancy Campbell on Monday, 11 August 2014
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Have you written you list for today? I write lists most days, but can I tell you a secret? I rarely ever accomplish everything that is written on my list. It often carries on to the next day, and the next day again, for God only gives us so many hours in a day.

However, it is not so important that I get everything done on my list. Or that you do either, especially when you are a mother with your little children around you. Often you will not even manage one extra thing, except loving and nurturing your precious children, lovingly preparing meals for them, and training them in the ways of God.

But there is one thing we can seek to fulfill each day. Jesus stated in John 17:4: "I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do. Every day on earth Jesus magnified and honored His Father."

This is your greatest plan for today. Whatever you do, whether it is cleaning toilets, catching up with your big load of laundry, cooking meals, or training your children, do it to honor the Lord. If you make this your plan, dear mother, you will accomplish what God wants you to do today, and for each new day.

Let's glorify the Father today, in everything we say and do. And can you encourage your children to do this too? Your home will then be filled with people glorifying God.

Be blessed. Nancy Campbell