By Nancy Campbell on Friday, 10 January 2014
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


During our Family Devotions each day we love to pray for the persecuted church and the needy cities of the world. To give us information, we use the book, Praying Through the 100 Gateway Cities of the 10/40 Window.

Currently we are praying for the cities of Mecca and Riyadh in Saudi Arabia. In this book it mentions that Islam educational institutions require that 70 percent of all their education must be devoted to Islam studies. I find this challenging. They are passionate about their religion! Yet, in our so-called Christian nation we are not even allowed to use the Bible in our schools! What are we thinking about?

And what about Christian homeschoolers? Are we as passionate for our faith? Are we as concerned that our children grow up richly filled with God's truth? Do we spend 70 percent of our time educating our children in God's Word and His ways? Are we looking to the future?

May God save us from filling our children with so much that is good, but not the NECESSARY AND THE BEST! May we forget fitting into the status quo and doing what everyone else is doing, and embark on raising God-filled Word-filled, and truth-filled young men and women.

Love from Nancy Campbell