By Nancy Campbell on Monday, 16 September 2013
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


We give answers all day long, don't we? Sometimes they are answers to questions; other times they are reactions to the words and deeds of our husband and children. What kind of answers do we give? Answers of wisdom? Answers of kindness? A soft answer when facing anger? Or do we give reactionary answers? Frustrating answers? Angry answers? Impatient answers?

I read this morning in Proverbs 16:1, "The plans of the heart belong to man, but the answer of the tongue is from the Lord." May God fill our hearts and our tongues with answers from the Lord. Answers that bless in the face of accusation. Answers that are sweet even in the midst of harshness. Answers that are positive and filled with God's wisdom.

Can we make today a day of godly answers?

Love from Nancy Campbell