By Nancy Campbell on Tuesday, 19 July 2022
Category: Women's Daily Encouragement Blog


Are you teaching your children to respond correctly when asked a question? Here are a few examples:

"Did you have a great day?"
Incorrect: "Yes."
Correct: "Yes, thank you. It was a great day."
"Did you sleep well last night?
Incorrect: "Yes."
Correct: "Yes, thank you, Mommy." (It is important to teach your children to address the person's name.)
At the table. "Would you like some more dessert?"
Incorrect: "Yes."
Correct: "Yes, thank you, Mommy." Or, "Yes, thank you, Mrs. Smith."
Correct: "No thank you, Mrs. Smith. I am well satisfied." Or: "No thank you, Mommy. But it was very delicious."
When introducing yourself to someone.
Incorrect: "Hi."
Correct: "Hello. My name is Caleb Rogers. It's very nice to meet you." And shake hands firmly.
To answer with one syllable and not address the person who is asking the question is very rude. Nor does it show respect to the person asking the question. And yet I find that not only children, but many older young people answer this way. They have never been taught basic etiquette.
Do some practice runs with your children each day so that it becomes the habit of their lives.
Blessings to you today.
Nancy Campbell